Friday, January 22, 2010

Bogor meeting

By: Yoedi Karyono

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dated January 21, 2010 invited the leaders of institutions of higher and highest, chairman of the Assembly there was chairman of MPR Taufiq Kiemas ,Arifin Tumpa chairman Supreme Court (MA), there is the Constitutional Court (MK) Chairman Mahfud MD, Chairman of the DPD and of course the House chairman(DPR) Marzuki Alie which also led Democratic party supporters SBY.

On the government side there is Economic Coordinating Minister Hatta Radjasa, there Politic Law and Defence (Polhukam) Minister Djoko Santoso, and several key ministers in the cabinet of SBY. What is it? They met at the presidential palace in Bogor, what this country was in political and economic crisis. Of course, no government response is referred to the crisis.

What to discuss the case of Century Bank, the government says no! And maybe this Century case is too small or considered too small to matter a very great country is. Considered or not considered this case has become a problem.

The meeting was certainly very important and not only could have Silahturahmi meetings, too many problems that occur in this country. And one important thing SBY delivered directly after the meeting is impeachment president by the Parliament is not easy. Why must say that, what did the Parliament had no direction to it.

Many things are delivered to SBY and spokesman for the president always says that the president does not know, for example, about the purchase of 150 units of cars for the ministers and officials that the price of each Rp 1.3 billion, a matter of discretion, the handling of Century president also did not know.

The president said that the more often do not know what happened with the policies of this country will be very dangerous, and it will greatly harm the credibility and continuity of government. The voice of the people even said that if Parliament could not do the impeachment of the president, the people who will do.

Of course this may be only a small part of the people's voice led SBY who are not satisfied. But after being a president is not easy, he demanded to be able to overcome all the problems in this country.

Bogor meeting, was certainly a very important part in general submitted to the press that only a small fraction, much importance was certainly discussed in depth at the meeting, those present were men, and of important institutions in this country a very decisive course of government. (


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