Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Will SBY fall?

By: Yoedi Karyono

Century Bank case was not simple, and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono still be cool, though not ap-what happened, but until the Special Committee (Pansus) DPR Century Bank case called the target Masillam Simanjuntak parties outside the coalition's aim of SBY.

SBY calling plan to be a witness at the committee is not easy and not simple, still takes a long time and a very long time. But, in public opinion that SBY is not involved in the case more.

SBY-confidence is too high, while the case was already spread out of control.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and Vice President Boediono who was also former director of Bank Indonesia at the time of giving testimony in the House became clear direction, coupled with the testimony of former deputy president, followed by testimony Marsillam Simanjuntak, who impressed the body set up to protect SBY.

Now, that developed in any community are saying about Century Bank is not attractive anymore, direction is whether SBY involved and should be responsible or not.
Democratic Party, the party come alive dead SBY defended and be very sensitive that the committee is dropped SBY. SBY attitude and what presidential spokesman said that SBY does not know about the disbursement of funds amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion if this attitude is maintained then the backlash will be very fatal for SBY. This attitude means that Mr. SBY has violated the Constitution, by making moral turpitude.

At the time this case revolving SBY challenging that this case should be opened very clear and bright-light, and turned up the latest developments is SBY own direction. Rumors that the Sri Mulyani would be replaced and at the same time to quickly finish Century case is denied by supporters of SBY. But the public trust like it or not is very decreased. If SBY then fell because of his attitude, it's because of him sendiri.Memang take a long time, but if public confidence is getting down, at least a threat to the Democratic Party for the 2014 general election later, just look for the political schedule in four years is not time long. Outside party preparations SBY supporters are certainly wants its president.

Indeed in 2014 SBY no longer be president, but if SBY happy down from the presidency with the problem of too much, Century cases, law enforcement problem, a problem for the minister's car was too expensive. A succession of presidents for the country's demokatis normal. This country had a president who did not change smoothly from Sukarno to Soeharto from Suharto to Habibie.

Substitution of Habibie to Wahid's somewhat normal, but the turn Gus Dur to Megawati's not normal, the successor will SBY will happen again is not normal? It greatly depends on the SBY. Is smart and fast enough to solve all the problems that still jammed along. Which clearly less than four years, not a long enough time! (www.rainbowdiplomacy.com)


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