By: Yoedi Karyono.
Brigadier General Elias Edmond Police official Lampung disabled. Previously, one-star general accused was very offended by the Commissioner General of Susno Duadji become mafia cases involving tax officials Gayus Tambunan. Furthermore, there is still the king Erisman Brig who was also accused of a conspiracy of corruption that Susno. Susno accused has tainted the good name behind them. Apparently, Susno allegations true. Radja Erisman guilt has not been determined, or is it just a matter of time, and highly dependent song Gayus.
Susno previously coordinated with the Special Task Force on Combating the Mafia Law established by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), which is why Susno be very brave. Even rumors mention Gayus also under the coordination of a task force formed by SBY. Why, SBY will be cleaned up and did tax evasion case worth Rp 28 billion is a very effective way to reduce all issues which earlier attacked Yudhoyono, Vice President Boediono and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.
There is a term that in order to eradicate the bad cop in police agencies, the police needed a lot worse to clean up the institution. Now is also needed in the judiciary, the judicial corps and also in taxation. Even former coordinating minister for economy and finance said Rizal Ramli,''a high salary in tax director general does not guarantee them free of corruption. Problem of corruption is a matter of mentality. It's not a fixed salary, but mentally with very strict rules and actually carried out.''
Idea arose among the public why the matter of execution of punishment for perpetrators of corruption are not just copying from the Chinese State. Shoot death and the death penalty is a family finance. Indonesia is predominantly Muslim countries in the teachings of Islam, among others mentioned, learn from the Chinese State. Now is the time to learn to carry out such punishments carried out by China.
Century Bank case worth Rp 6.7 trillion tax cases sunk so betnilai Rp 28 billion was disclosed or deliberately dismantled, even Sri Mulyani with cold hands to do the sacking of Gaius and disable laiinnya 10 people who work with Gaius in the network at the Directorate General of Taxation, institutions under the coordination of the finance ministry.
If the police had done the cleaning step, which previously started with a low level, the Commissioner of Police named Arafat continued clean-general and director general taxes have been doing the cleaning, then the attorney general and the judiciary have not done the same thing.
''It seems very unlikely and not possible if there are no prosecutors and judges who are not conspiracy in the case of Gayus, the prosecution and judiciary must also do the cleaning if you want this country right. Is not this country built the largest financing from tax revenues. Well if that was corrupted Gayus new level employees working for five years for it, then a much longer and more experienced certain amount of corruption is much greater,''said one board Danang Widoyoko Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW)
Even the legislature, the people from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), known loud Fahri Hamzah said,''Estuary all the blame on the director general at the finance ministers is a tax. He said the reforms already carried out work well, in fact, corruption in the institutions under his responsibility very spectacular. Remuneration salary did not eliminate corruption.''
Attorney General Hendarman Supandji mention, after the examination there was a case of Gayus rarity in the suit prosecutors and the judge's decision. But until the news was revealed prosecutors and the judiciary do not act to prosecutors who handle these cases. Criticism from various parties are considered quiet by two law enforcement agencies.
Gayus case momentum is good momentum for SBY, and this is an opportunity to improve the fallen during the period of campaigning for president SBY before eradication always bring the issue of corruption as a campaign theme. ''I will lead the immediate eradication of corruption.''
Now is the time of proof for SBY, if not now then the case will become a boomerang for SBY, a sense of mistrust is so high to the police, prosecutors and judges, government officials very bad state, even when Gayus was brought home from Singapore by the police responded with a pessimistic tone by some citizens that it's an act police taskforce team formed by SBY and finance ministries to divert this issue during the attack SBY.
If it SBY intend to do the cleaning in all the institutions that organize the administration, particularly in the field of law and public service can no longer act slow SBY, citizens are too embarrassed to mention this as a citizen from a country known for its level of corruption the number one in Asia and even in world.
Monentum tax cases this can also be a wild ball that will hit everywhere, including political opponents and friends SBY, who clearly chairman Functional Group (Golkar) Bakrie have big problems with tax payments, some powerful figures in Golkar is also the same problem. Visiting Yudhoyono and entourage to the Lapindo mud eruptions in East Java Sidoardjo few days ago and the case was nearly four years until now has not completed payment of compensation.
Lapindo mud and the Bakrie group responsibility can not be discharged course, those who wait four years for compensation for the case and to live in poorer circumstances are still not finished the problem, any time SBY even cried when he learned the condition of Lapindo mudflow victims. Meanwhile, Bakrie some time ago married off his son at a cost of Rp 10 billion for the three-day party. Corruption and taste no matter already so severe in this country, or SBY will cry again to solve all those cases. Its now or never Mr president. (
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