By: Yoedi Karyono
In addition to acts of terrorism, which they know the perpetrators are Muslims, or they carry the label of Islam, the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) as a formal organization with a label of Islam is considered very disturbing, even threatening the existence of the unitary Republic of Indonesia. That is what is in the minds of the leadership of the Liberal Islam Network (JIL). FPI is a group of gangs''are labeled "Islamic, act of anarchy and violence in the name of Islam, which is why they should be disbanded as soon as possible, because it is very dangerous to the unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, which have diverse cultures and religions,''said Ulil Abshar Abdallah, one of a leader and also the initiator of the establishment of JIL.
Ulil which also dkenal as young leaders in Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and also when it became one of the central leadership of the Democratic Party - said the government party, the FPI is a vigilante organization and very dangerous, as long as possible is dissolved, then disband only. Why, FPI have absolutely no tolerance for others beliefs and this is very dangerous to maintain the unity of the country.
Very harsh reaction from JIL Ulil and also, because of the accusations against the FPI is doing the ejection of three members from the House of Representatives (DPR) from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-F), members of central council, admits to disseminate free health to the public. Whereas previously the council members who did not come from electoral districts in East Java, Banyuwangi intends to make a meeting with former members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) or those who sympathize with the PKI.
They call it a victim of the New Order, and one House member from PDI-P named Dr. Rebekah Tjiptaning is the son of the PKI, former members of the party was banned in Indonesia was already quite old, however, remains its ideological militancy. Former PKI members who have voting rights and also their offspring, they vote in elections and presidential elections are also accommodated the F-PDIP, because that is morally and psychological they are close. They often claim as fellow victims of the New Order.
PKI, which failed to make the struggle for power in 1965 and also led to casualties, both on the part of the PKI and the Islamic parties, especially from among the NU. But with changing times and the sympathizers of the former PKI they are very close to NU. By tradition between FPI and NU were very close, both are very identical religious rituals, however, for cases in Banyuwangi and also the previous case at the time of the NU leader Abdurrachman Wahid (Gus Dur) is still alive among the leadership of the FPI and Gus Dur is always colored by tension.
The tension continues, especially after the leadership of NU, KH Hasyim Muzadi, chairman of the Big Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) today KH Said Agyyl Siradj and also several figures who became known more liberal main board, even openly reject imposed Sharia law.
NU attitudes like this that strengthens FPI tension with one of them Islamic organizations that require the application of Islamic law in Indonesia. This tension dimafaatkan well by those youth who have a liberal NU and so far known to be very close to the west and western thought, they include Ulil Abshar Abdallah, Lufie A Syaukani, even the vice-chairman of NU As'ad Said Ali, who is also vice Chairman of the State Intelligence Agency (NIA) said,''FPI as an organization defending the name of Islam is questionable. Islam where they stand. So far they do acts of violence.''
By As'ad, good organization is based organizations that have international certification, they must be useful, not even to spread fear and insecurity. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the opening of Congress also spoke of the Muhammadiyah Islamic organization that brings peace, as well as former Vice President Yusuf Kalla regret very much what the organization is labeled "Islamic", but commit acts of violence.
All of which is expressed in the disputed by the Chairman of the FPI, Habib Rizieq that FPI is not doing violence, violence that had to happen was because of the reaction. ''We do not act as if the law officers, before we do any activity we have reported to the security forces, because there was no response from them, then what we ourselves must be made to prevent and to intervene before damage occurs is greater,''said Habib .
FPI, Habib details, never committed a reaction to other religions, other cultures, other people or activities organisasasi or other groups outside of Islam, as long as they do not interfere with or contaminate the Islamic Ummah, that's fine it's their business.
''For the case in Banyuwangi. Not only from the FPI will be from other organizations also feel disturbed, those who have been admitted as a member of the council conduct illegal activities, they collect the former PKI members, communists, so what are they? Once discovered they claimed to have been conducting free medical socialization. Local officials and local security forces also do not know and deliberately not informed, there is a reaction after they took refuge in the name of human rights,''said Habib.
Habib said the bitter experience in 1965 when they made a strong PKI massacres by religious leaders, particularly the Muslim Ulama, and now they seek refuge under the right to express their opinions, rights, and democracy, and they receive support from liberal circles, especially those who have orientation of western thought, and foolish again those which support zionism in the name of freedom of opinion. Between''of communism, the Liberal Islam Network and also synergize zionism and they have the same target, the FPI should be dissolved.''
For the West, Habib said, after the completion of the cold war and communism lose, then their main enemy is Islam, and ironically in Indonesia, they can do a synergy with the former communists to jointly destroy Islam. Even if the FPI''formal organization may be dissolved, but the attitudes and beliefs of Islam would not have disbanded. Islam has a clear stance against any damage to the Islamic religion, because that's why we so refuse and abjure Ahmadiyya. Their activities destroy Islam, which is why they must be resisted.''
Ideology of communism, says Habib, in countries like Indonesia that poverty is still very dominant will also thrive, they are getting smart to do the movements and activities, they engage in infiltration and a ride on the activities of humanitarian and social nature, they use mass media for This gives the wind and the support that they are the group that diparlakukan unjust, and Islam is synonymous with violence, as has been done during this FPI, FPI present or absent, the reaction will remain the same. Anyone who intends to destroy''the existence of Islam would have reacted in kind.''(
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