Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The super sensitive SBY

By: Yoedi Karyono

One year administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) for the second period, after officially sworn in as President of the Republic of Indonesia on October 20, 2009, and the period of one year was used as an opportunity by the opposition to shed their disappointment, even those who gathered in the coalition to intimidate Mr Yudhoyono, they will make a huge demonstration to force the pair SBY - Boediono to resign as president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia, because they are deemed incapable of menghasilan things that makes this nation more prosperous, even more miserable.

Fajroel Rahman, of the opposition who are always loud, intimidating and even threatened to mobilize people in large numbers to force SBY - Boediono down from office. Appointments will bring people to the streets to do a demo will be done. SBY''has failed to perform its functions and Yudhoyono have to know yourself with an elegant way of stating that he was not able to carry out the mandate of the people, and handed back the mandate to the people.''

If not, then do not blame the confrontation will occur between people who are dissatisfied with this government with its people, the people in various regions will be doing a demo with a massive and very large quantities. ''We're in the year before the reform and the fall of the Soeharto regime 12 years ago doing the same thing and have the goods tenti by improving the quality of movement, and this time we were able to overthrow the regime of Suharto, who ruled for 30 years,''said Fajroel.

Fajroel, who once ran for president against SBY candidate, and apparently on the direct election of the president Fajroel not qualify for degree candidacy, and he is an eternal opposition since becoming a student at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Fajroel even been arrested and imprisoned on the Island Nusakambangan by the Soeharto regime. Fajroel who is also a Muslim, but strongly supports the existence of even highly defended the Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya, and this will be another major problem for Fajroel and Muslim.

The spirit of opposition was almost like a hallucination able to drop the SBY government by mobilizing the people in large numbers to do a demo on the streets. Eporia dropped when Soeharto was still imbedded in the brains of those who declare themselves as the opposition and they did not as a member of a political party in this country. Even when it does not smell at all and epiloog proolog as in way of ahead of the fall of Suharto. And most importantly there is no military element of both active and hide in the power of the state as the opposition.

The figures are expressed as the opposition outside the party, among others, former minister of economy in the era of Gus Dur, Rizal Ramli, a former spokesman Gus Dur Massardi Adi, a former head of the national development planning Kwik Kian Gie, general chairman of Muhammadiyah Dien Syamsudin and many more figures who still feel able to run the government, but they are currently located outside the government even beyond political parties.

While currently only one political party that openly and formally declared itself as an opposition party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI P), although PDI P often half-hearted in attitude as an opposition party running the government, this is because the main character PDI P, Taufiq Kiemas who currently serves as Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the relationship between Taufiq with SBY tighter and tighter. Other party outside the government is Gerindra Party and Party Hanura.

In total political, SBY forces inside and outside parliament has been very strong, much less supported by Golkar Party (Golkar). But SBY still does not feel safe on the continuity of government, SBY uneasiness was shown at the time as chairman of the board of supervisors Democratic political speeches on the anniversary of the party to nine on 17 October. SBY asks for support to all political forces and people for his administration and implementation of all policies.

Subsequently, on October 18, Yudhoyono held a meeting with Assembly Speaker, Speaker of the House, Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Chairman of the Regional Representatives Council, Chairman of the Supreme Court, the Head of Audit (BPK) and Chairman of the Judicial Commission. The meeting, conducted in the House of Representatives that began at nine in the morning until two o'clock. And of course, meeting that takes a long time has led to speculation. Why, in a meeting also attended by ministers and in its development, there are rumors that SBY will perform the turn of his ministers who are considered incompetent do their job.

Therefore, further development of rumors, PDI P SBY will be included in the cabinet to strengthen the political position of SBY. This is directly contradicted by one of his chief PDI P, Tjahyo Kumolo,''Nothing that any political deal with SBY both institutional and individual as the president who holds the prerogative to choose and memcat minister. Decision PDI P as an opposition party does not change until now, and that was the decision of the Congress. Let Mr. Taufiq relate well with Pak SBY, but the affairs of the party was completely different.''

Ahmad Mubarok, one of the board of supervisors said the Democratic Party, threats, intimidation will drop SBY, please just fine, but if they are doing a demo with a very large number then itchy hands and doing acts of violence, damaging public facilities, it was his business other. ''But I am very confident and strongly believe SBY - Boediono will not abdicate because of large scale demonstrations. They will come down from government in 2014. Why, because his tenure had been completed.''

They are now yelling and screaming as opposition to feel free from all kinds of corruption had also sat in the government, what they really pure and clean. Right now to be honest, SBY is still a lot to face many problems, legal issues, corruption, economic and justice, but is not the government is carrying out its function to fix all that. Indeed''Yudhoyono as president has 6 years of rule, but that this subsequently has been running for one year. Well really not fair to decide this government succeed or fail in just one year. Please be assessed after five years running, and that there are rules. If the demo on the streets will not solve the problem even will only add to the problem alone, and the most immediate impact is traffic congestion.''

Demo to protest the government of SBY does not work, even a rejection of the presence of SBY does occur among others in the Napier and several cities in Indonesia. But compared with the number and network anybody who did the demo, by the eve of Suharto's current kejatuhahan that power did not exist. However, the military was prepared to support the police in order to do security on all the worst that will happen.

Application of a''standby in Jakarta and surrounding areas? It was not necessary, because those who intend to perform a demo either officially or unofficially been very clear. Jakarta and its surroundings will remain safe,''said Joey Boy Amar, head of the Jakarta police office lighting. (www.rainbowdiplomacy.com/caricature:Dendy Hendrias)


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