By: Yoedi Karyono-columnist on
Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia became the target demo, which deals with cases of torture Indonesian Workers (TKI), especially an attractive woman and performed a demo of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) between the demonstration and the demonstration wearing similar clothing. Middle Eastern-style clothing, demo FPI led by Habib Umar Salim, head of the FPI to the Special Jakarta Special Region (DKI) is running fine, no physical violence like that is always suggested to FPI for this. Demos take place smoothly. Why, Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia maintained a very strict and very tightly by the Jakarta Police. The number of personnel guarding the embassy were five times more than normal care, even already prepared additional troops if necessary.
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia Abdurrachman Al Khayyat and his staff are certainly very quiet, safe and even comfortable. They were not disturbed and moved by the protesters, and they not only FPI but various elements of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) doing a demo, the former Labor Women (TKW), who had worked in Saudi Arabia, and they all have bad times while working in the oil-rich countries, who claim to apply the Shari'a (law) of Islam in his country.
Sharia''which is applied? They even destroy Islam and humiliate the Islamic Shari'a. It is implementing Islamic Sharia only to taste and interests, the interests of the rich and ruthless employers who do not respect human dignity. This is our attacks, we remind you,''said Habib Umar Salim.
Whatever their reasons for such a treat maids, torture, humiliate and do not pay salaries TKW even commit murder, it's all wrong, and should not be confused with the Islamic Shari'a. This noble religion never taught and approved the actions that deviate like that was happening to our brothers of the maids, and this issue should be straightened. Those who commit crimes and mistakes should be punished accordingly, continued Omar Copy.
I, said Omar Salim, a Muslim embarrassed by the incident of this kind, sad to what happens to our brothers in Saudi Arabia. Of the thousands of cases related to our brother, all of the solution is very detrimental to our brother, while their real crimes remain at large in Saudi Arabia. And more sad again, the Indonesian Government did not powerless against it. The government only take care of repatriation of the corpse, and even then often not current. TKW rights received no maximum, because it is the position of the Government of Indonesia is very weak in all sides, especially financially. As a result of corrupt countries. The law does not expressly and very dependent on other countries, including to Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile, the international political observer from the University of Indonesia Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana said, the Government and the State of Indonesia does not have the courage and strength in any issues affecting migrant workers and migrant workers abroad. Why, from within the country itself is already very weak. Migrant workers and migrant workers are not protected by the rules and laws that are clear and certain, whereas with the destination country and TKW TKI no perjajian and laws that protect them.
Officials in the state''does not need to debate and berwacana in dealing with its citizens working abroad. Examples of just how the Philippines at the time resolve its labor cases that have problems abroad, they could be why we do not,''he said.
In addition, we must reflect in our own country, too many weaknesses that make the citizens of this country are forced to work abroad, if anyone who leads this country capable of eradicating corruption, and make the country prosperous and its citizens in the economic field, then none citizens who want to work abroad, let alone just a maid. It is lawful employment, but in a weak and very vulnerable position to be insulted, and it's all been proven.
Meanwhile, activist Anis Hidayati of Migrant Care said, cases that occurred in Saudi Arabia against migrant workers, especially migrant workers during one year alone has already reached more than 8000 cases, ranging from torture, murder, unpaid salaries, rape by employers and other violence. Another similar case also occurred in Malaysia. Two of this country is the country's most troubled.
The government, it responded on the case terjahap maids, but they responded as well as warriors late, all the defense stance is issued, all the officers spoke to defend, after the maids suffered torture and even death. ''I would be more respected if the Government is able to make citizens prosperous so that they do not have to be labor overseas, especially in a highly risky position.''
The maids are having problems because they are not educated and less educated, how can they get an education with good and right in the country, the cost of education is very expensive, let alone to go to school, to eat only they have been very difficult. But if forced to become migrant workers protect them with laws and rules that are clear, give insight on the state government worker goals.
One more step taken by the government is less precise, the President ordered the State Minister of Women and Child Protection, Linda Ameliasari Agum Gumelar to Saudi Arabia to meet with his administration to resolve the case and other cases Sumiati TKI. This is a fatal strategic mistake.
Until now the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has not been granted a visa for a minister from Indonesia. Why, culture in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to receive women in the negotiations, irrespective of their positions. Should have sent them a very understanding Arab culture, is fluent in Arabic. ''They were in this country in large amounts but the government did not want to take advantage of them. I am pessimistic with the mission of women's affairs minister who implemented it will solve the problem,''said Misrawi, one of the scholars of Islam.
Factors why the people of Indonesia must find the money abroad, because in Indonesia alone the number of job opportunities are very limited, if any, that too has been caught with outsourching systems, cut their income every month by these employment services, and workers in the state contracted for three months alone, about extended or not it is all that decides the company where they work.
Working abroad, their foreign exchange earned as a hero, but still cut their income by employment services, even officially cut with a variety of reasons made by the Department of Labor through the employment services overseas. At the time of migrant workers and migrant workers returned from abroad on their arrival airports are separated from other passengers, they were forced to exchange currency that was taken from their home countries to work, and exchange rates was determined that state employees.
This is only a fraction of the problems faced by migrant workers and migrant workers. They only become cash cows from year to year, while in this state of corruption that occurred in number from year to year is remarkable, if the country is well taken care of, corruption does not happen and well-educated citizens, no outsourching if this rule is legal force, change with the higher law, then none of citizens who want and work as maids abroad with a terrible risk, at least in a culture they have insulted. (
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