by : Yoedi Karyono
In two weeks President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has four times stated that the president can not be imposed by the House of Representatives (DPR), as well as otherwise the president can not even drop the Parliament Consultative Assembly Chairman Rakyat (MPR), Taufik Kiemas declared that impeachment of the president is not necessary and not . will be done. Why so worried that SBY will be impeachment, said twice in Java East during a meeting with the regents as Indonesia and the teachers in Indonesia, next on January 21, at the Bogor Palace, after a meeting of th high state-led institutions.
Most recent statement about impeachment is dated January 25, 2010 in front of the generals in a meeting of leaders of Indonesian National Army (TNI) at the TNI headquarters Cilangkap East Jakarta, of course SBY statement is a political statement in front of the generals and the colonel.
SBY may forget that the military should not play politics. The impression is then arises whether SBY will involve more military into politics? SBY statements that are repeated over impeachment after the meeting, lamented the Special Committee (Special Committee) House parties outside the government intends to call as a witness of SBY to the Bank Century. However, Prof. Gayus Lumbun of the PDI-P faction said that did not occur at all of the special committee to bring down President SBY. Partai Demokrat sebagai pendukung utama Democratic Party as the main supporter SBY is certainly very defense that SBY is innocent and had nothing to do with the case of Century.
From the number of Democratic House members and supporters of the coalition parties SBY number is very large and very strong. Parties outside the administration and supporters of SBY only three only, the PDI-P, Party and Party Gerinda and Hanura then why SBY too concerned with the position and have repeatedly warned that the House can not do impeachment.
In the history of this country since its establishment in 1945 the president who ended his term without impeachment is Megawati and SBY in the first period.Everything is affected by impeachment, Sukarno's speech questioned twice rejected by Sementera People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Suharto fell after the people's trust is revoked.Habibie as well as after the Assembly refused to answer accountability speech, Wahid Abdurrachman previous dimakzulkan Bulog begins
with Bulog Gate and Brunai Gate.Megawati, Wahid's government went on and finished potition after losing the general election by SBY, and SBY survived five years running his government. The problem for the government of SBY normal time as the state and nation. And now the two-week period of 100 days the government of SBY he answered the rumors about impeachmen.Why SBY be very sensitive with the issue of impeachment so that the necessary leadership to invite seven high state institution.
January 28, 2010 is exactly 100 days pemerintahah SBY, since the beginning of this period of 100 days set forth in the Indonesia Summit to determine the direction and development of Indonesian rule.But this time the energy is spent just a case of vice-chairman of criminalization KPK, the case of Century Bank, 150 units of case purchases of luxury cars for ministers and officials. That's why on January 28, 2010 outside the government forces are planning a large demonstration-scale, they include spearheaded by the former spokesman Gus Dur, Adhi Massardi and those who declared themselves as anti-corruption group. Issues to be carried by the demonstrators was not only the issue of corruption alone, demanding Boediono Vice President and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani down like this for, but demands SBY down from power.
They're serious? anything to do with the power of government is always tempting to those who take it by all means and possibilities. SBY in formal institutions such as parliament, the MPR, higher institutions of other (MA, MK, BPK and others), the TNI and Police were safe, they will not treat SBY is outside the law. However, what forces beyond the official institutions that conduct demos and demanded to withdraw SBY is strong enough, the demo plan dated January 28, 2010 will involve about 7,000 people, then what reaction police, they will deploy 10,000 police personnel to securing the demo. With all these developments, the president seemed calm, in fact on the other side of life as an artist SBY still can make another album with the title of my Ku Yakin Sampai di sana. (sure got there). Albums with this nine-song Little Theater was launched on Taman Ismail Marzuki and sung some famous singers in the country. Previously, October SBY January 2009 and also made an album track. If the year 2007 and 2009 SBY attend the launch of the album, the third album that SBY is not present.
What SBY really calm face all the problems in this country, or just vent their anxiety in the songs. It just SBY knows, what to five years or the second term? (
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