By Yoedi Karyono
Hacking money at Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) in Bank Central Asia (BCA), Bank Mandiri, Bank Permata, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank International Indonesia (BII) and Bank Nasional Indonesia (BNI). Number tens of millions of dollars, and is likely to reach hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of rupiah. Whose money, obviously money and their customers who have a Personal Identity Number (PIN) and password.
According to the police until the date of January 24, 2010 principals is an international conspiracy centered in Russia? In some big cities in Indonesia some people have been arrested along with proof of goods in money, dozens of mobile phone, ATM card is still empty and thousands of customer's PIN is already copied.
They are the criminals are caught, their numbers will continue to grow that's for sure. The first scene is expressed in Denpasar Bali, and from this place will spread throughout the world. Why, because the victims are not only local residents but tourists and foreigners who happened to be in the territory of Indonesia, and especially in Bali.
This incident spread very rapidly, become very big news even when compared to the total money from an ATM burglarized by the amount of money from Bank Indonesia burglarized by the owner of Century Bank of nothing, still too small. However, whatever the crime committed is still a crime, regardless of who burglarized or stolen.
Century Bank's case was very clear who should be responsible, they are the owner of Robert Tantular Centrury Bank, Boediono who was then as Governor of Bank Indonesia and Sri Mulyani as Minister of Finance, without two key officials of this country is highly unlikely that the sum of USD $ 6, 7 trillion will come out by itself from Indonesian banks.
Minister of Finance with all the arguments to justify its policies to Rp 620 billion, then the number is not the responsibility of Sri Mulyani. Logically, should be the responsibility of the current Boediono became vice president of the Republic of Indonesia. Important officials state they are certainly not going to give up so easily, all the arguments issued to defend themselves.
Around the world rules about government policy is not criminalized, and that includes government policies that made the time, but is it true that government policy? Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the moment is implementing a policy decision of government because President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) were outside the country. Say, does not know and never received a formal report related to the policy that is worth Rp 6.7 trillion.
Sri Mulyani remains that Jusuf Kalla has been sent Short Message Service (SMS) associated with that policy. It was strange to an important policy that he said if not taken to affect the systemic and at the executive decision-making processes of government is not involved, and after implementing the government decided that only send SMS only.
Are there hidden so Jusuf Kalla does not need to know. Apparently after the Bank Century earn Rp 6.7 trillion fund Robert Tantular robbed all that bailout money. It is testimony Susno Commissioner General of Police on Duadji Special Pantia (Special Committee) Bank Centrury mmenyebutkan, assets associated with Century Bank had secured a number of Rp 14 trillion? And scattered in various countries in various forms.
The money would be returned, and this may not be easy and require a very long time and here the necessary stamina and the seriousness of the state apparatus and government. If this case leads to the politics and led to the government of SBY, this is normal, nothing to the issue of governance will be their ammunition outside the government.
At the time of President SBY appear to be more than 50 percent of voters decided to choose a partner SBY - Boediono, until now the party of SBY and coalition supporters are confident that support is still very strong. Of the various problems existing in this country and if done honest research, not strange if support for the government of SBY-Boediono decline.
SBY himself was getting restless and warned that the House can not do impeachment against the president, it said SBY at the Bogor meeting on January 21, 2010 with leaders of state high institutions, and the meeting itself raises new issues in the Parliament, the House leadership was not collectively involved and is not responsible for the outcome of the meeting, the leadership of the House of Representatives Marzuki Alie was present, but considered as representing the Democratic Party rather than the House collectively and collegially.
Increase again the issue, the case was not finished growing ATM again another case, because that's Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has given a red report cards to the government of SBY, all ministers deemed not properly functioning 100-day target for Cabinet. Too many problems which can not be overcome by the Cabinet.
Burglary cases through ATM customer's money is evil, and also burglary of money in the Bank Indonesia amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion, of course, too crime, the perpetrators responsible clearly obvious. But because the case related to Century Bank's political interests and power, then this crime drawn anywhere and made to be unclear. (Photo:Dana Anwari/
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