Saturday, January 23, 2010

“Zones of Peace" Indonesia - Timor Leste

The Fourth Senior Officials’ Meeting between the Republic of Indonesia (RoI) and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (TL) was convened in Bali, Indonesia on 21-22 January 2010 to review the progress and to discuss the Joint Plan of Action in implementing recommendations in the Final Report of the RoI and TL Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF). The meeting of the Working Group on Old-Aged Savings was convened on 20 January 2010, prior to the 4th SOM.

The Meeting took note of the progress in resuming the payment of the old-aged savings for Timor-Leste citizens, former Indonesian civil servants, military and police. The Meeting endorsed the results of the technical meeting on the working group for old-age savings. The Meeting noted that PT. ASABRI had transferred the payment of Old-Aged Savings to the bank account nominated by the Timor-Leste Government. PT. TASPEN (Persero) has prepared its first transfer following the signing of the outcome of the technical meeting during the 4th SOM. Yet in this context, BAPERTARUM indicated its readiness to return the Saving Scheme for Housing to approximately 9,428 former Timor-Timur civil servants.

The meeting noted with satisfaction the progress achieved on the application of the Temporary Stay Permit Card (KITAS) and the Visa on Arrival (VoA) for the Timorese Citizens. The Indonesian Government has issued a new regulation that included Timor-Leste’s passport holders in the list of countries which were granted Visa on Arrival. In addition to that the Indonesian Government also adopted a policy that will render Timor-Leste citizens with double transit visa for return travel between Oecussi and Dili. As of KITAS, the Indonesian Government confirmed that KITAS could be issued for 2 years depending on the recommendations by the Indonesian Ministry of National Education. It was therefore agreed that further technical arrangements should be carried out between the Ministries of Education of the two countries while the Indonesian Inter-governmental Agencies Task Force will conduct further coordination particularly with the Ministry of National Education.

The delegation of the Republic of Indonesia was led by the Director-General for Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Rezlan Ishar Jenie and the delegation of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste was led by the National Director for External Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Mr. Isilio Coelho. The members of the delegations of both countries consisted of representatives from various relevant government ministries/agencies.

The meeting was conducted in the spirit of genuine friendship, openness and cooperation in line with the spirit of the CTF. The meeting discussed the implementation of programs agreed in the third SOM held in Dili, Timor-Leste on 17-18 July 2009. It further identified programs in the Plan of Action which will be implemented by the two countries.

The participants from various ministries/agencies of both countries also briefed the meeting on ongoing and future capacity-building programs, covering inter alia the areas of agriculture, fishery, forestry, public administration, health, women’s empowerment and child protection, security, archive, education, public work, trade, meteorology, customs, communication and information, and human rights.

The Indonesian delegation identified three programs to be implemented in short and long-term timeframes by the two countries. These were: the establishment of “zones of peace”, management of the Memorial Parks in Timor-Leste; and cooperation in the health sector. Initial steps were made to implement the long-term and aspirational recommendations of the CTF’s report. In this regard, the Meeting discussed the Indonesian proposal regarding the possibility to establish/refurbish a major hospital in Dili with one of its focuses being trauma healing programmes. In this regard, the Meeting agreed for government officials from technical agencies of both countries to further discuss this matter.

The Meeting noted Indonesia’s intention to conduct an initial discussion on the proposal of establishing “Zones of Peace” on the borders shared by the two countries. The Timor-Leste Delegation was prepared to discuss this issue and further asked the Indonesian Government to provide a detailed proposal on this initiative. Both Delegations also agreed to consider further the nomenclature of the “Zones of Peace” to better reflect the friendly relationships existing between the two countries.

The Meeting also discussed the issue of management of Indonesia’s Memorial Parks in Timor-Leste. The Meeting noted that management of the Parks is one of the common concerns of the two countries. In this regard, both countries stood ready to conduct further deliberation, including the issue of facilitating of family visits to the memorial parks.

The Meeting noted Indonesia’s intention to intensify cooperation in the health sector, with the possibility of establishing a MoU covering, among others: hospital referral system, communicable diseases, child and maternal health, pharmaceuticals, human resource development and hospital development. The Timor-Leste delegation welcomed this initiative and committed to further study the proposal.

The Meeting welcomed the plan of the Minister of Economy and Development of Timor-Leste to visit Indonesia at the end of January to increase technical cooperation, in particular in the fields of planning, small and medium enterprises, and environment.

The Meeting stressed the importance for both countries to pay attention to managing their borders for the benefit of the people in the border areas. They also shared concern that border issues, if not well-managed, could create problems for the people of the two countries.

The Meeting took note of Timor-Leste’s intention to increase cooperation in the field of security, including the possibility of having a joint training in a third country.

The Meeting also took note of Timor-Leste’s intention to increase cooperation in the field of defense with an initial discussion on formulating a Memorandum of Understanding. The Meeting welcomed the assignment of the first military attaché of Timor-Leste to Indonesia.

The Timor-Leste delegation raised the issue of disappeared persons and the Meeting remained cognizant of CTF recommendation on this matter.

The Meeting took note of the intention of the Timor-Leste government to start deliberation on the Center for Documentation and Conflict Resolution. The Meeting also noted that further informal discussion is needed to explore various aspects of establishing the Centre.

Both delegations reiterated their strong commitments to further implement the CTF recommendations and the Joint Statement of leaders of both countries.

Timor-Leste Delegation expressed its sincere gratitude for the excellent arrangements pertaining to the meeting, facilitation and hospitality afforded by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Both countries agree to have the 5th SOM in the second half of 2010 in Dili. (www.rainbowdiplomacy/


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