Thursday, February 4, 2010

Target Anti-Islamic

By: Yoedi Karyono

Liberal circles in Indonesia has big plans to get rid of their Muslim from all aspects of life, and it does require energy and budget huge, that's why they are known as group collaboration and pluralism do become compradors anti-Islamic forces, especially from the west and of course underneath all that is Jewish.

It said one of the Indonesian Ulema Council chairman (MUI) KH Amidhan, February 4, 2010 after a trial test materials PNPS Law No. 1 Year 1965 about the anti-defamation of religion in the Constitutional Court in Jakarta. "They will not stop to anti-Islamic action, either by way of appropriate laws and regulations or through other means," said Amidhan.

Law Act (Act) contains, among others, a person or group shall be prohibited from desecration and humiliation of other religions, and this is considered by the plaintiffs as it violates human rights, those who make claims and ask for material testing this law, among others, Abdurachman Wahid (Gus Dur) was carried out since 2002, after Wahid had died by the end of Act 2009 was the elimination of steps they followed one line with Gus Dur, among others, Muslim intelectual U.S. version Dr Musda Mulya, Raslan Nasidik, Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara, Asmara Nababan, Prof. Dawam Rahardjo, an alliance of religious tolerance (AAKBP), Elsam, Legal Aid Foundation of Indonesia (YLBHI) and NGOs that one idea with them.

"We're just fighting for religious freedom, and it is every human rights why should be addressed by an overreaction," said Musda.

According Amidhan, their goal, among others dismiss the MUI and it was planned a long time even when Gus Dur before becoming president. Those steps is a tragic thing happened and the result is between fellow Muslims was a split.

From the government, the Minister of Justice and human rights Patrialis Akbar said, if they keep forcing themselves repeal that law, and when they got successful, it will be corrupted everything and the result will appear every day those who claim to be prophets, claiming god, confess discover the scriptures and that they alone are the followers of other religions. And it's not just Muslims alone.

This is very dangerous and growing potential for conflict is very large and spacious, if this is allowed then what will happen is a horizontal conflict is immense and dangerous. "What will we let that happen? that's why I asked the constitutional court and reminded the test material rejected a request that this is very dangerous."

The number of Muslims in Indonesia are currently more than 80 percent, and they are very large affected. At the time of a valid law and certainly no legal sanction to a maximum of 20 years in prison there's always just a problem, especially if the law is revoked, then the problem will become broader and uncontrolled.

The flow of calling itself the kingdom of god leadership Lia Eden. Milla Ibrahim, Al Qiyadah Al Islamiyah, the false prophets and many more activities that are desecration of religion, particularly Islam. Muslims for the last Prophet is the Prophet Muhammad.

"For any group of the same religious pluralist, just a different way so it is with worship, and they asked for equal rights. It's a crazy thought, how can Allah be compared with their gods in the form of stone, statue, sun or other Lord," said Ustad Al Khotot one Islamic leader who became a related party in this case.

All their efforts to dissolve the MUI, revoke anti defamation of religion and pitting Muslims in this country, just one behind them is the Ahmadiyya based in London and beyond all that there are Jews who do have a target to destroy the Muslims in this country .

Islamic intellectual, who is also a former nun says Irena Handono, those who try to dismiss the MUI and revoke the law just for the sake of a few sheets of dollars and they are willing to destruction of Muslims. "This is very dangerous and ultimately between fellow Muslims will occur with the same impact and destroyed, and that was the target and their desires."

Step test material held in the Court's demonstration was supported by Muslims, and that number is very small, not reaching the 1000 television and even less interest newspapers reported that a very important event for the survival of Islam in Indonesia, the television reported that only in running text, on the hour and the same day the case of Century Bank is being discussed in Parliament this time is to consult the Parliament with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

According to Irena, among Muslims, the government and the House one word for this case refused to repeal the Act, as well as two Islamic civic organizations large, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. "But somehow this issue should continue fighting, because they will not stop there would be no further steps, as long as they have not achieved the target they will keep trying. They are supported by funding and media access is not limited."

Then Muslims reaction to how, let us not be lured to do anarchy because they desired it. "It's a war thinking, I believe the Islamic scholars who still adhere to the true teachings of Islam will not stay silent, they know what steps should be done and we continue to coordinate to resolve this issue." (


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