By: Yoedi Karyono
Governance issues Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) have increased, and for problems that do not need, yet finished a complaint about the demo that brought the buffalo marked SiBuYa (SBY) and was interpreted by the SBY that it likens itself, a big, stupid and lazy . Whereas previously there was not anyone who likens himself buffalo with SBY.
SBY then asked that the demonstrators more polite in conveying their aspirations, but SBY was never rebuked members of his party are impolite, for example, says the word bitch in the official forum of the Special Committee (Special Committee) questionnaire Bank Century House of Representatives (DPR).
Problem manners, is very relative, and for what purposes. SBY is generally very polite and courteous, but his supporters in the Democratic Party (PD) is still dipertanyatakan kesantunannya. This issue has not completed, the Secretary-General Amir Syamsudin Demokart Party and one of the party's chairman Achmad Mubarok gave strong signals or threatened to propose to the cabinet reshufle SBY.
This was done because the PD was less comfortable with the attitude of the coalition parties of different views with PD in the case of Century Bank, which was credited with PD by sharing cabinet positions to the coalition parties are considering to propose to the president of the ministers from the coalition parties have been replaced. Of course, this step raises new problems that require energy wasted.
They are considered not support SBY and conflicting interests in the settlement of Century Bank case.
MCC''to a coalition with the party and win SBY became president in the context of an equal relationship, and MCC is not the Democratic Party lackey or the government of SBY told to be obedient as he pleases,''said one Fachri Hamzah MCC leader who is also a member of the House Special Committee for Century Bank.
Fahri who had to be hard on those involved Century case, and he suggested that the earliest the former governor of Bank Indonesia Boediono, now vice president, and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani dismissed prior to completion Century cases more quickly.''They were both from clear government sanction guilty give first, but it is outside the government who clearly Robet Tantular guilty.''
Azis Syamsudin Meanwhile, Golkar politicians mention, what told Golkar conspiracy and always want to support what the special committee Demokat Party. ''If you defend the evil conspiracy and that the same crime just committed the same crime.''
Problem reshufle cabinet, said Fahri, this country runs the presidential system is a matter of changing ministers presidential prerogative,''To what Mr. Amir and Mr. Mubarok threatening party perceived threats are not loyal to the coalition. What we considered to be their lackey.''
The coalition government of SBY built was too broad, and SBY during campaigning period 2009-2014 as president once said,''If the party in the coalition do not get along or not in agreement with the government line, they should be out.''Reaction time due to SBY He was paired with Vice President Jusuf Kalla in 2004-2009, minister in the cabinet and the Golkar Party in the House bertada be acting like the opposition.
Is SBY will act decisively to remove the ministers in his cabinet and his party always attacking SBY. And SBY has given signals that the next three months, conducted an evaluation on the performance of ministers, in fact if SBY did not problems reshufle, not in the previous period same thing ever done.
The issue here, if the government keeps a lot of good issues relating to politics and economics and not clean and not transparent, then the cabinet will change back and forth and will be a bargain. Likewise with the coalition parties, whether they will dare to come out of the cabinet with courage and say no longer fits with the government line. ''I'm out of this government and the opposition is full,''these words are awaited.
What SBY government would be destroyed?, It is not if this SBY's cabinet filled only Democrat and retired generals who still has potential for very loyal to SBY, this government will continue to run and this country will remain alive. There's even a joke, what do SBY reshufle after meeting with U.S. President Barrack Hussein Obama in mid-March of next?
MCC, Golkar, PPP, PKB, PAN who had been in coalition with the Democrats and Parrtai in the cabinet, would think long and hard to get out of the cabinet. That is, they will calculate calculate profit and loss, is not financially portfolio is more likely to give financially to kontrubusi party, or they are deliberately being hard to SBY, among others with issues such as impeachment only to improve the bargaining position of financial and political positions.
His name and power politics will always teased and Century Bank of the case serve as a political hostage to the position. Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) and Grinding Party Hanura Party, his attitude is very clear from the beginning, they were delivered without any load, and issues the Democrats are in coalition with the party for them only a very necessary developments are monitored and examined.
Amien Rais, former Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) said February 6, SBY should concentrate to resolve cases fairly Century Bank and assertive rather than thinking about doing the turn of the cabinet.
Century Bank issue value was only Rp 6.7 trillion, while for reshufle impact will be very broad and will require enormous energy. But it's now in a position SBY is not good, if completed according to the case of Century Bank wants non PD coalition party, then it is certain that should be responsible and accept the sanction is a former Governor of Bank Indonesia is currently serving as Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, who also must be responsible. Actually there is another solution, Robert Tantular are the main target, as has been said Vice President Jusuf Kalla at that time that Robert was the robber money Tantular state Rp 6.7 trillion. Can not they unite to beat Robert Tantular it?
This is done SBY naive about responses other than the demo that brought the buffalo was at the time SBY briefing to the new ambassadors diplomats who would soon occupy his post, and it was delivered on February 4 at the Merdeka Palace. Diplomats''a state intelligence, and they should serve to give the intelligence reports. I was able to access CNN, HBO, Dowjones and other news agencies, but should the intelligence reports from diplomats far more complete and accurate for the sake of this nation,''said SBY.
It was a diplomat serving as intelligence, but what the need is expressed so clearly, too many examples of cases of non dipersona a diplomat gratakan (not preferred in place of duty, so returned to their home country) for alleged acts of intelligence or a spy. Indonesia itself had done that, at 70 years of Colonel Sergei Egorov defense attache of the Soviet Union ever was expelled from Indonesia for doing spy actions, and from Indonesia Colonel accused of selling Susdaryanto Sea hydrographic data to Indonesia Egorov.
Is not the job of intelligence is a closed and secret work? Then to what kind of job must be in the way talking about, what's the point?
Another problem is a very naive statement of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Hatta Radjasa related to why the government of SBY will need to purchase a presidential plane. The aircraft was necessary''for the presidency has, because it is very useful and will not interfere with Garuda flight schedules,''said Hatta on February 5 in his office.
What Hatta Radjasa who also has served as Minister of Transportation RI ago period, not knowing that the plane carrying the president always leave and go, take off and landing at the Airport, Halim Perdana Kusuma.
Or maybe now there is a change, eventually owned by the presidential plane will take off and landing at Soekarno Hatta Airport?. Since more than 30 years ago, all associated with airlines presidents, vice presidents or state-level guest head of state or head of government always take off and landing at the Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport.
This step is carried out by security considerations, the Halim Airport Home Air Force Base Republic of Indonesia and keamaman at this airport more secure, the United States, Israel and Palestine who was known to be more stringent security related trust their leaders take off and landing at this airport. U.S. President Bill Clinton and several U.S. presidents who have visited Indonesia chose Halim Airport, as well as with the current U.S. president Barrack Obama security team they prefer to Halim Airport.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin also safely and without fuss never take off and landing at Halim Airport, as well as with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. At the time Indonesia hosted the Non-Aligned Movement Conference in 1992 President Suharto received all his guests, the head of state or head of government is also at the airport.
Thus, the reason is not unreasonable if the presidential aircraft still be purchased on the grounds so as not to interfere with commercial flight schedules of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Garuda Indonesia, because all business aviation aircraft and all of the presidential Halim Airport, not the distance between Halim Airport Soekarno Hatta Airport by more than 20 kilo meters.
Even if the presidential aircraft was not purchased and the president for a state visit in the country or wearing a Garuda plane, it was designed well a few months or a few weeks earlier, so that flight schedules for commercial purposes is not impaired. ''They were very professional, knew what to do,''said Arie Sapari senior pilots who are often believed to bring the party out of the country's presidency. (
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