By: Yoedi Karyono
Democratic Party (PD) is very loyal supporter of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) threatened to turn a number of ministers, especially the ministers who came from the Social Welfare Party (PKS) and the Functional Groups (Golkar), the PKS as many as four posts of minister and Golkar post three ministers, what the seven postal minister in coalition with SBY presidency after securing a position is considered very attractive to be filled only from the PD?
Substitution reshufle cabinet ministers or the sole prerogative of the president, any president would changes sit's up to his ministers the president. What is PD so presumptuous to ask the president to replace ministers from the coalition because the party is considered non-compliant and not in one direction and ideas to solve the case of Century Bank, or whether they indicated a strong involvement in the case of PD Century is far more valuable when compared with the coalition just a few months.
If SBY obey what the PKS and Golkar desire plus a clear party opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), People's Conscience Party (Hanura) and Indonesia Movement Party (Gerinda) then, Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani to get out and get a penalty for their error, because the MCC, Golkar, PDI-P, Gerinda and Hanura very sure and have proof that the two men were from the government most responsible and guilty in the case of Century Bank.
PD is now supported by the National Awakening Party (PKB) real certainly believe and have evidence that Boediono and Sri Mulyani was not guilty. Of PD foundation that felt that the PKS and Golkar in the opposite position, that's why they have been warned by cabinet reshufle, while PKB has another calculation that is more secure and comfortable if kept together with PD and ministers in the cabinet.
What PKS and Golkar upset with PD about reshufle threat, it did not. PD defend''How SBY very amateur. Our party has sovereignty and we are not their lackey who casually what had to be ruled. And so far SBY himself as holder of the prerogative of the president never said anything about this cabinet change,''said Fahri Hamzah of the Special Committee (committee) Council of Representatives (DPR) of the PKS, on Feb. 9 at the House of Representatives.
According known Fahri is very vocal, and Bambang Soesatyo from the Golkar Party which is also very vocal mention, PD just did a bluff. Bluff''to make debut PD reshufle initial conclusions before the special committee, and it does not affect anything. If SBY reshufle want to do it, it was the right president. But it would be very strange. Why, SBY on February 2 in Cipanas cabinet praised the work for 100 days the government, they have worked hard to prepare for the next five years Indonesia,'' said Bambang.
One of the PD leader, Ahmad Mubarok still will provide proposals to the SBY reshufle to consider, even the Secretary General Amir Syamsudin PD will continue to give consideration to the SBY to do reshufle, PD faction chairman in parliament Anas Urbaningrum provide a less powerful signal to mean that the other two. ''Yes, we have discussed all possibilities, including reshufle cabinet.''
If the SBY government ultimately will not replace Vice President Boediono and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, and also not to change the party's ministers who had not agreed to the case of Century, what is likely to happen?. Clearly the most disappointed is the PDI-P, Hanura and Gerinda. What they will bring this issue to the streets and make a demo more energy to fight and condemn the government of SBY.
Consideration for change of cabinet is as clear as possible let Boediono and Sri Mulyani. There are of course disappointed, they are the customers who were deceived Century Bank and the matter was not completed and require a very long time and even less clear.
Other developments are less well outside the government but is still a government responsibility, and this is an important responsibility is the difficulty of life in society, the basic price of the lives of nine basic commodities of life, especially of rice as a staple food whose price is higher and this will affect the systemic to the needs of other living materials.
Meanwhile it, the government was busy with the presidential palace to replace the fence and vice president of RP 2 billion worth over, 150 units buy cars for ministers and officials each valued at USD 1.3 billion and plans to purchase presidency aircraft worth USD 700 billion, while the poor people to get daily income of Rp 100 thousand just not possible.
Economic life is increasingly difficult, expensive health care costs and education and all the elementary problems in society that increasingly severe.
This condition will be a huge energy is very broad and will be very wild if SBY and his cabinet ignore this problem. Formal impeachment by the House is very difficult to even highly unlikely, and if carried out would require a very long time.
Century Bank if the case is completed, the next step will go into a plenary session and it will require energy and time are many and very long. Here what society at large still has enough patience, they are hungry, oppressed and have no hope to be very easy to have negative energy.
SBY was supported by the majority of political forces in parliament and elected more than 60 percent of the population when paired with Boediono become President and Vice President. But believe it or not they form a coalition that has begun in trouble, as a political player is normal, a coalition party of SBY's party to stand on two feet, they will still give the impression of being a party to defend the interests of the people.
Other forces outside the party slowly but surely come together with those who are not in line with the line government of SBY, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah are outside the influence of SBY when two religious organizations of this community have very strong support among the people. SBY ''not sensitive to what happens in society, the price of basic necessities of life become less affordable and more difficult life will be more difficult for their lives, while corruption is protected even impressed silenced. Century this case would be brought to Where the less clear it,'' said Din Syamsudin in Yogyakarta in commemoration of 100 years of Muhammadiyah dated February 8.
If the power outside the government that are inconsistent with the government of SBY and they feel increasingly oppressed poor and angry, then the impeachment of a constitutional way there will be no meaning, that power for a while was not great, but if the government still considers empty and meaningless, so do not blame if they are gathered into a large force which was not unexpected. (
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