Wednesday, February 10, 2010


By: Dr. Adian Husaini, Researcher INSISTS (Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought and Civilizations)

"The United States is an example of a good secular state and has a special position in the world by offering opportunities and hope for mankind to develop the religions"

That statement was a campaigner understood Religious Freedom in Indonesia in the preface to a book called Defending Freedom of Religion: Conversations about Secularism, Liberalism, and Pluralism, (Jakarta: LSAF and Paramadina, 2010). Furthermore, an activist who is also the founder of this Society Nurcholish Madjid, said: "So, the example of secularism in the United States resulted in a rapid development of all religions."

Books that promote religious freedom in Indonesia was recorded dozens of conversations about the understanding of secularism, pluralism and liberalism. Some of them - like Abdurrahma Wahid, M. Dawam Rahardjo, Musdah Honor - listed as plaintiffs Law No. 1/PNPS/1965 to the Constitutional Court. A number of thinkers here also openly backed secularism, pluralism, and liberalism to be developed in Indonesia.

For them, the three must understand that developed in Indonesia and the establishment of an absolute prerequisite of democracy in Indonesia. "Democracy will not be able to stand upright without supported by secularism, including pluralism and liberalism. Special even secularism - the separation of religion and state relative - is one of the most important factor in building democracy and a strong civil society, "wrote the liberal activist is. He said again, "Liberalism can keep and maintain health and balance of religion, because of liberal thinking, rational and critical is something that can not be refuse for the ideals and progress."

According to him, that religious freedom can only grow and thrive when the idea of secularism, liberalism, and pluralism is also well developed in Indonesia. If secularism it goes bad, for example, the state interfered too much in matters of religion and get involved in judging a religion is false or distorted, and / or perform a religious discrimination case, that's when the state is not protecting its citizens religious freedom. "Because it was the state religion should be neutral," said the liberal activist, author of the Encyclopedia is Nurcholish Madjid.

In view of the adherents of "syphilis", the state religious neutrality is a country that does not favor one religion or preferred over other religions. The state should not favor one particular sect. Secular state in the dictionary, the term unknown believer, infidel, heretic, lawful or unlawful, the majority or minority. All considered equal citizens regardless of religious understanding and flow.

Because of amazement and a very strong faith of the trilogy of secularism, pluralism, liberalism - which is now popular among the Muslims by the term "syphilis" - then he is a liberal activist and voiced resentment of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which in 2005 fatwa understand " syphilis "as" illicit goods ". The liberal activist said: "This MUI Fatwa was exclusive, not a pluralist, even likely discriminatory."

According to him, one that triggered the problem of religious freedom in Indonesia is strong these days is the prohibition of the MUI of secularism, liberalism, and pluralism. "To this day the idea of secularism, liberalism and pluralism has become an idea that" scary "for some Indonesian society - especially after the MUI solution," said campaigner understand "syphilis" was.


Once, on November 25, 2007, Lia Eden, founder of the religion Salamullah, sent a letter to Chief Justice Prof. Bagir Manan. The letter was headed: "GOD'S KINGDOM: THE KINGDOM OF GOD of the Holy See, Eden". Lia's wrath to the Supreme Court that set the inauguration of the Muhammad's arrest Abdul Rahman. By using the name "Gabriel Holy Spirit" Lee signed his name: "LE2". He wrote in a letter that was also forwarded to a number of CBOs Islam: "In the name of God the Most Strong. I am the Angel Gabriel is the judge of God in his supreme Court ... I am the Angel Gabriel himself who will take your life. Appointment of the Lord above, the power authority of the Kingdom of God and God is the Supreme Court in my hand. "

Perhaps, only in Indonesia "Angel Gabriel" had a signature and professional people to take a life. In his letter of 2007 was, Lee was expressly stated as "Angel Gabriel". In 2003, he was admitted "courtship with Gabriel". In his book, Holy Ghost (2003),''subtitles''Sex in Heaven, tells the story of courtship and marriage of Gabriel with Lia Eden:''Lia has now changed its name with the permission of their Lord, the Lia Eden. Blessings on the new name. Because he is a symbol of heavenly bliss of Eden. Courtship with the Angel Gabriel significantly in front of everyone. All people will see his face flushed him. I made love songs and captivating poetry. Heaven husband and wife had enjoyed.''

Muslims are still normal - did not have to understand "syphilis" - must be stated that such a false understanding and not good for development in the community. Understand this is a form of denied. Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever among you who saw denied, then change by hand. If not able, change with verbal. If not able, with the heart. And that is weak-weak faith. "

In the Islamic view, error is one form of distributed denied. Thus, scholars must act decisively. When MUI asked whether the flow like this Lia Eden lost, then the MUI firmly stated, that the teachings of artificial Salamullah Lia Eden is heresy. But, because of the prophetic task, issued a fatwa against the group astray Lia Eden, Ahmadiyyah, and the like, MUI bombarded with insults. Some say, MUI stupid. A religious journal published in Semarang down the main report: "Indonesian Ulema Council deputy Not God." There are legal practitioners speak up here, "MUI can be snared XML Penal Code." Some groups also came to the National Human Rights Commission demanded the dissolution of the MUI.

For liberals, there is no dictionary "false" or "right". The important thing is freedom! Yet, every day Muslims are obliged to pray to show the right path and away from the street who are astray and wrath of God. So, is there a right way and there is a false path. There's no way all true or all false. Also, is not possible, all thoughts and actions are allowed.

In 2007, a leading figure in the Indonesian Ahmadiyyah published book with the title "Sharif Ahmad Saitama Lubis, of Ahmadiyyah to the Nation" (2007). He explained the Ahmadi faith, namely: "Imam Mahdi and the Promised Jesus is a prophet who is a follower of a prophet or a prophet follow-up by obedience to YM. Prophet. who will come and will transform the darkness into the brightly lit. "And if the Mahdi's coming, the Muslims diperintahkanlah to see him, even if it means crawling on the snow mountain." (p. 69).

In 1989, the Foundation House of Peace - a publisher of books Ahmadiyyah - translating a book called Da'watul Amir: Letter To The Truth, by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, the Caliph Caliph Still II / Priest Ahmadiyah (1914-1965). This book is original in Urdu. In 1961, English edition published under the title "Invitation to ahmadiyyat".

This book confirms: "We are solemnly told that people can not find outside Allah Ahmadiyah." (P. 377). Muslims are forced to believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet and still al-Mau'ud. Then, the Muslims were given an ultimatum: "So, after Still Mau'ud down, people who do not believe he would be outside the protection of Allah. Anyone who becomes a barrier in the road as Mau'ud Still, he was an enemy of Islam and he does not want a Muslim. "(P. 374).

Meanwhile, for Muslims, the position of prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad as the last is the final teaching. After the death of the Prophet, there is no longer the Prophet, although many who claimed to be prophets. Decesion year in 1937, the Legal Affairs Committee of Muhammadiyah cites the hadith the Messenger of Allah, "Among my people there will be liars, all claims to be a prophet, and I was closing all of the prophets." (Ibn Mardawaihi, from Tsauban).

Of course, for adherents understand "syphilis" there is no difference between believers and infidels. There is no difference between monotheism and polytheism. For them, religion is not important. What is important is freedom! State asked to be neutral, impartial between faith and kufr. Muslims are also asked to respect the ideas that deviate from Islamic teachings. All treated the same, equal. The important thing is not to disturb other people physically. For them, faith is not important, because all religions are considered equal only; as a way equally legitimate to God - whoever and whatever his Lord.


"The idea of God negates our freedom," cried a famous philosopher Jean Paul Sartre. With the dark history of experience when interacting with religion (Christianity), Western civilization and then decided to reject the interference of religion in life. Religion is placed as a purely private matter. Although, in fact, even this principle is not absolute. In England, King of England remain as head of the Anglican Church. In Switzerland, the Muslims refused to build the minaret. Discourse ban the veil in some European countries are also sticking. In fact, they said, was a private affair, and should not be interfered with the state.

Understood "Freedom" (liberty / freedom) was officially launched by the Free Masons that started up in England in 1717. This group later evolved rapidly in the U.S. beginning in 1733 and succeeded in rolling the revolution in 1776. Statue of liberty becomes a symbol of freedom. The principle of freedom upheld. In 1789, freedom of movement succeeded in moving the French Revolution as well and brought the jargon "liberty, egality, fraternity". In the early 20th century, this freedom of movement of the Ottoman Turks invaded.

Because trauma to the dominance of religion in life, the Western people, even Christians, are reluctant to make religious laws to guide their lives. The admirer and plagiarist Western concept of freedom is, and just want to apply that concept into the lives of Muslims. In fact, the concept of freedom between the West and Islam are very different. Islam has a concept of "ikhtiyar" ie, choosing the good. Muslims are not free to choose evil. Therefore, the purpose of life of a Muslim is to become a godly man to God. (See interview with Prof.. Dr. Noe Wan Wan Mohd Daud).

While the West has no definite limit to determine what is good and what is bad. All delivered to the speculation of reason and social dynamics. This fundamental difference will continue to lead the "clash of worldview" (conflict of views of nature) in various aspects of community life. Two concepts "freedom" These contradictions can not be reunited. Therefore, different places have stayed. So one must decide, he chose the concept of which. He chose Islam or liberal.

The Muslims who still adhere aqidahnya (pure believed), would be angry to read the novel The Satanic Verses Salman Rushdie him. This novel truly barbaric; describe a complex of prostitution in pagan times inhabited the prostitutes who were given the name the wives of the Prophet Muhammad. For Islam, this humiliation. For liberals, that freedom of expression. For Islam, divide by pieces verses of the Koran in his Tadzkirah the Ahmadiyya, an insult, but for the liberals, that freedom of religion. Various sayings Mirza Ghulam Ahmad also be categorized as an insult and desecration of Islam. In contrast, for the liberals, Ahmadiyyah is a part of the "freedom of religion and belief." For Islam, action porn in the art world is reprehensible and a sin. For liberals, it's part of the arts and freedom of expression, which must be free from religious interference.

So choose: to be Muslim or Liberal!
( Dana Anwari)


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