Sunday, February 14, 2010

Corruption in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

By: Yoedi Karyono

Corruption in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rp 20 billion, and it occurred just over one year in 2008 until 2009, the value was just taken from one part of it, do a mark-up to purchase a plane ticket to fly from Indonesia to the destination country diplomats, instead of the state diplomats charge back to Jakarta, the amount of state costs to ticket the diplomats and their families were bigger and 80 percent of the normal price to be paid the state.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Tengku Faizasyah, February 13, 2010 does not know the case of a mark-up tickets the diplomats. This case was reported to the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and also to the Attorney General on February 12.

According to Tengku Faizasyah, this case still under investigation by the Inspectorate General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, what actually happened. ''We're still waiting, what are the results and clear who is guilty of it should be legally responsible.

ICW data reported to the Commission and the Attorney General, and that was just discovered in three of the seven travel agency that provides tickets for diplomats and their families, and travel agency based in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The amount of money''that corrupted state will certainly greater than USD 20 billion after it was revealed the seven travel agency,''said Johan Budi SP spokesperson for the Commission.

How to make corruption in congregation at the foreign ministry, among other things inevitably involve financial and administrative agencies, travel bureaus and the Inspectorate General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself. Marwan Effendi, officials at the Attorney General in charge of special crime is less interested in completing this case. ''Let the party through the Inspector General of the State address this issue.''

If the case is returned to the state department, then that will happen is a settlement in a "custom" is to know the same idea. Why, the travel agency that provides tickets already made a mark-up, a diplomat who would cost abroad is also on the mark-up, this is done because there is a kind of unofficial levies that should be given to officials who manage their assignments. If they refuse to give tribute, then the life of a diplomat, would never feel abroad assigment

Charges from travel agents and diplomats who would be assigned was how big and small charges, so they will be assigned depending on where. In countries where the relatively well off duty or an unpleasant state. Being a foreign employee and stayed until his retirement in Jakarta numbers very much. Bureau of finance and administration contribute greatly to manage all that.

KRT Roy Suryo member House of Representatives (DPR) of the commission in charge I mentioned abroad, this case must be revealed until the end and who is responsible should be obvious, even to the very top level in the foreign ministry. ''To the secretary of state, when the corruption occurred and who should be responsible should be clear.''

Minister of Foreign Affairs who is now entrusted to the new Marty Natalegawa started this position in October last year, the previous Minister of Foreign Affairs Hasan Wirayuda entrusted to currently occupies the position as one of the Presidential Advisory Council, an agency in charge of providing advice and consideration to the president,

According to Johan Budi, the Commission does not question the initial data from anyone,''What is important in the initial report that the Commission find that there is a strong indication of corruption, and the Commission will not stay silent. Corruption in the foreign ministry should be dismantled and must punish those responsible.''

Cases of corruption in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not only happening in Jalan Pejambon Jakarta, the center of this ministry in Indonesia, but also the ongoing case involving the Indonesian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand Hatta Mustafa, the case of a mark-up building and renovation of the embassies in the country white elephant.

Other cases, never happened in the Embassy of Indonesia to Malaysia in the form of levies for Indonesia Workers (TKI) that deliver Ambassador Hadi Wayarabi and later Ambassador Retired Police General Rusdihardjo

Strong indication of the exposure of corruption in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and lazy behavior Roy Suryo also felt at the time he did as a member of the House duty to Vanimo Papua New Guinea. Important''embassy officials were not in place, they said on assignment in Jakarta, when the post which they are responsible is in Vanimo. They are less comfortable in a quiet place in the country.''

Other Laziness in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also occur in the consular department. For example data on the representatives of friendly countries who are in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta was never updated. ''Please access our web, our data is always updated, we have a staff of highly skilled and responsible in this area,''said a consular official protocol and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a tone less pleased when met at his office some time ago.

Apparently, they were proud of data already updated all the time nothing changes, the example is very clear, when the news was revealed, the data in the foreign ministry website which addresses the Embassy of Brunei Darussalam was not accurate. Another thing, the unavailability of data Embassy Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Embassy's phone number turned out to stray into the Australian embassy Austria.

Your e-mail the embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan was permanently, e-mail address, address of the embassy was an old data in 1979. Whereas data created by the foreign ministry is expected to accurately and provide benefits to the official website The access of foreign ministries. ''We do publish a book of diplomatic and consullar list, but this is for official purposes. Cara has had to submit a letter of formal request, if you want to know the data about the embassy, please access our website.''Apparently their website is not accurate and never updated. Ministry of foreign affairs is not only diplomats tickets at a mark-up course, many problems that must be correct in this Department. (


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