By: Yoedi Karyono
Special Committee (Pansus) Questionnaire Bank Century House of Representatives (DPR) would be the ending point of conclusion, the preliminary conclusion some time ago agreed position of the seven violations committed at Century Bank bailout, and the two states what the government it was not a violation, but the rescue Indonesia's economy, especially banking.
Seven was the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Golongan Karya (Golkar) Social Welfare Party (PKS), National Mandate Party (PAN), the United Development Party (PPP), People's Conscience Party (Hanura) and the Party Movement Indonesia (Gerinda) while the two parties supporting the government policy is the Democratic Party (PD) and the National Awakening Party (PKB).
The position of these seven against the two can be regarded as the point has no return. Golkar has stepped in and certainly will not be returned, it was said committee member of Golkar, known very vocal Bambang Soesatyo even Golkar Chairman Aburizal Bakrie said more loudly that he was not afraid of bullying for a switch cabinet. "I was never afraid and will never be afraid of bullying from anybody," said Ical as familiar Aburizal Bakrie.
Previously, two important people in the PD, the Secretary-General Amir Syamsudin and PD leader who is very influential Achmad Mubarok provide a strong signal that the party would propose to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to conduct a cabinet reshuffle. Three people occupied the position of Golkar, they are Agung Laksono for coordinating minister of people's welfare, MS Hidayat for the minister of industry and Fadel Muhammad to the position of minister of maritime affairs and fisheries.
Golkar see things more important not just to maintain the three cadres of ministerial positions. Long-term target is to improve the image of Golkar for the 2014 general elections next year, they want to show the party could hope for Indonesia's clean from corruption and misappropriation of state finance regardless of its form.
Golkar short-term targets will be very lucky if the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani evicted from the cabinet. Personal relations between Sri Mulyani Ical and less well known, there is also the bureaucracy relationship is very crucial issue. Ical as an entrepreneur known as the delinquent taxes amounting to Rp 2.1 trillion, and this makes the new ammunition to the government of SBY, president several times to give a strong signal to the police and the tax directorate for more aggressive conduct tax prosecutions.
Recent developments, one of the important leaders of Golkar, Setya Novanto also targeted tax issues. Novanto not just for financial affairs, at the time of the Bank Bali case cessie about 10 years ago Novanto also involved, but the case is muted because the position of Golkar was still quite strong.
Now, the government tried to counterattack with the opening of Golkar to mention taxes. They will fight each other for this business. But what would the government attack capable of changing attitudes toward conclusion Golkar committee Century Bank. Ical impossible not to issue any other ammunition. Rumors are circulating that the financial services over the election of SBY Ical paired with Jusuf Kalla at the previous general election is very large.
Even when cases Sidoardjo Lapindo mudflow in East Java became a big problem SBY can not act firmly against Ical, while Lapindo is one Ical Integration time. Even when SBY in his residence in Cikeas visited Lumpur Lapindo victims who told her suffering, and SBY had wept bitterly, till now not able to change the fate of Lapindo mudflow victims.
Century Bank this case at least provide a big advantage for Golkar. First, as chairman Ical not face difficulties to consolidate the party. Second, Golkar had the opportunity to raise its image with the case disassemble Century Bank funds flow increasingly clear. If Ical forced to pay taxes that are still outstanding, and it must be able to pay, then the problem will be completed to Ical, and he became clean. Golkar cadres three ministers out of the cabinet if SBY is also not much affect the role of Golkar.
Golkar is the main target is the Vice President Boediono, because he is most responsible for the affairs of Century Bank, another goal is Finance Minister Sri Mulyani. Genuine opposition party, the PDI-P, and Gerinda, Hanura increasing its image if the case can be dismantled this Century, and certainly one of the most responsible, whereas in the coalition party, PKS, PPP and PAN no other choice they have to go and prove that they is the party that anti-corruption and this will be very useful for the upcoming general election.
With these developments, it inevitably PD and SBY must make political compromises, and it must face the unpleasant choice. There is no impeachment for the president, but the choice is not good to save the position should be done. Is not that politics is a compromise?
The victim Century Antaboga case was screaming when they can quickly funds are paid, there were not many customers only and 1500 people who were robbed of their money owner Robert Tantular Century Bank is also not too big, not to 50 percent of all bail out the government claimed amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion, while they had been shouting loudest, and please be advised this is their money, their lives. ( post)
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