Friday, February 19, 2010

Muslims insulted Prophet

By: Yoedi Karyono

Every Wednesday held at the Constitutional Court (MK) test trial took place the material. Their demands to the government is the removal of PNPS No. 1 in 1965 which contains the legal sanctions against the desecration of religion. They are calling themselves defenders of freedom in a society, religion and belief. They include AAKBB, Liberal Islam Network (JIL), Ahmadiyya, Elsam elements of the Commission on Human Rights (KomnasHAM). Their opponents in court are the government, House of Representatives and the Islamic leader of Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah and Islamic groups by the plaintiffs referred to as mainstream groups, they are the parties related to the case.

The plaintiffs are asking for government regulation of religious desecration was revoked hard to say if they do not meniliki relationships with groups from western countries who are anti-Islamic or Jewish groups who are anti-Islamic. Those who want freedom of religion and freedom of other religions tainted by reason of creativity and freedom of thought and belief are well known to the hostility of mainstream Muslim groups. They include Abdurrachman Wahid, Majeed Rasheed who both had died.

Another name for this moment is still very active fighting essentially Numbness and disrupt hostile Muslims who are still determined to run her religion according to the Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet, among other Musda Dr. Mulya, Dawam Rahardjo, Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara, Ulil Abshar Abdallah. They are very close to anti-Islamic forces in foreign countries they are even regarded as a fighter for human rights, massive budget given to this group both the operating budget or the opportunity to get scholarship to study abroad.

The trial which has lasted three times, but the lack of attention this news, because it lost by preaching Century Bank case. On Wednesday, February 17, witnesses of the plaintiff's expert named Lutfi A Syaukanie give a statement in a highly controversial trial. Lutfi, who obtained his doctorate from the University of Melbourne Australia said that the Prophet Muhammad in the early spread of Islam is no different than what is experienced by Lia Eden, the kingdom of god leadership in Indonesia.

''At the beginning of the Prophet Muhammad spread Islam, and then he and his followers is the only minority group that he regarded as an enemy by the majority. This condition was no different as experienced by the current Lia Eden. Lia as head of the kingdom of god hostile by the government and also by the majority. Lia's position is to be defended. Why, let Lia and his followers developed the belief that they believe,''said Lufti.

And many more descriptions given by Lutfi, who is appointed by the plaintiffs as expert witnesses. Description is of course for religious leaders regarded as an insult Islam. Description''Lufti was an insult to Muslims and the Prophet Muhammad, and I question what Lutfi was still a Muslim. How to behave and mind is a very alarming,''said one of his chief Amidhan Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Lutfi Penghinanaan done to the Muslim Prophet did not bump this long, not violence as was the case in some countries when a Danish newspaper of Jillen Posten load and spread the Prophet Muhammad cartoons that very insulting. This shows that Muslims in Indonesia are better able to control himself. It occurs in several radio dialogue in Jakarta and surrounding areas, radio is generally the voice of Islamic aspirations, but the dialogue that lasted less than two days.

There was a loud noise, they intended to kill Lutfi A Syaukanie. Their blood is insulting Prophet Muhammad is halal. But so far no violence from humiliation Lutfi pernyartaan before the trial Court. Mainstream Islamic groups first deliberately let those who do claim to revoke PNPS government regulation No. 1 of 1965. What are their thoughts and desires, and it will last until the schedule of the Court that the trial was decided in April next, to accept or reject their claims.

According to sources in the Constitutional Court, the trial test materials will be won by mainstream Islamic party, because after all that Islam still maintaining the purity and truth of Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad is a recognized truth. Let the argument between those who declare themselves defenders of minority groups with a group they called the majority.

''As long as we still run the Islamic rule and run it according to religious rules Qur'an and hadith is not a problem. But those who self-defense of human rights and self-defense of minority groups is a problem. They do desecration of religion, particularly Islam, is to be my opponent,''said KH Hasyim Muzadi Nahdatul Ulama chairman.

Resistance, said Hashim, not in the form of violence, but in the form of thought. Why, because the real problems that they are, they are asking for government regulation was lifted and everyone can freely running mate, but basically destroy and disrupt the religion and beliefs of others, this is what must be aware with a sane mind.

Lutfi does the humiliation in case of other countries, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran will be a different business. These liberal groups have started to dare to insult the Prophet Muhammad in front of the general public, although it was in place in the courtroom is limited, but nevertheless will be preaching out of the courtroom. Indonesian Muslims currently facing at least two issues, the first lawsuits from liberal groups and second, the draft rules that those who do mempidanakan siri marriage, and was often committed by Muslims with a variety of reasons. Is this just a distraction from bigger issues in this country. (


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