Saturday, February 27, 2010

SBY will not dare?

By: Yoedi Karyono

Special Committee (Pansus) Council of Representatives (DPR) for the case of Century Bank had reached the decision that the Governor of Bank Indonesia at that time and now as Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawadi are the two people most responsible for the disbursement of funds amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion to bail out the last Century Bank problematic. Although only four of the nine factions in that the special committee explicitly named, while the Democratic Party (PD) and the National Awakening Party (PKB) which does not mention the name, the National Mandate Party (PAN), Indonesia Movement Party (Gerinda) and the Party of Unity development (PPP).

The four parties which clearly mentions the name of Boediono and Sri Mulyani as well as dozens of people allegedly involved in the case of Century Bank is the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) which was declared as the first opposition party, the People's Conscience Party (Hanura) other opposition parties, another bipartisan coalition party government is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) ie Social Walfare Party (PKS) and the Party of Functional Groups (Golkar).

Travel right or wrong and responsible for the mistake will be tested again in the House of Representatives plenary session on March 2 next. And this is very ironic political mistakes or truth will be determined by a majority vote by way of voting. That's why SBY, Boediono, Sri Mulyani is very calm about all these issues. Even the presidential spokesman said Julian Aldrin Pasha, "the President did not want to comment on the developments in the committee."

According to Julian, all handed over to the developments in the House, please those concerned carry out their duties well, and the trip will still long.

Nine fractions of Century Bank of the Special Committee agreed that they both agreed was the case would be resolved through legal channels, and it was good. But the majority of Indonesian people so pessimistic if this issue will be brought to the law, why, it will take a very long and very long and will even become unclear as the other case a few years ago in the form of Bank Indonesia liquidity assistance (BLBI) is worth far more spectacular, hundreds of trillions of rupiah at the time this country experienced economic and political crisis in 1998.

Legal sanctions and penalties imposed mainly to ajan state officials will have a very long process, the first step the police, the attorney general or the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) asked for permission first president to conduct the examination, and it was not easy and takes time.

In fact, the case of Century Bank is the party that had been done to defend what Boediono and Sri Mulyani time saying that to prevent this economic crisis. But then bail out the owner was robbed by Robert Tantular Century Bank and the two strangers is enough to provide social and political sanctions.

Over four months of this committee, and until the final conclusion on February 23, 2010 five-party government justified the time and then there are elements of alleged fraud and corruption, and it need not be legally proved. Why, the impression is happening in society is going fraud and fraudulent actions. At least this is perceived by the customer of Bank Century, especially Antaboga deposit holders, they have been duped and cheated.

Five parties were ready to be his voice will be reduced or not selected at all in the 2014 general elections next year. Why, the trust of voters would be reduced, the Democratic Party Secretary General Amir Syamsudin said, "If people are talking and the people who are not satisfied, then the people who where. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was elected in one round only and the number is more than 60 percent, while our party also won a large amount and convincing."

Party supporters in the World Bank's decision Century, such as the National Awakening Party (PKB)-based voters and supporters of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), whereas in the grass root NU opposite attitude, they do not benefit other than nothing, some customers that Century Bank loss is also NU, for the National Mandate Party (PAN)-based supporters of Muhammadiyah also be that the guilty are Boediono and Sri Mulyani.

Two of the top leadership of the NU and Muhammadiyah, Hasyim Muzadi and Dien Syamsudim Indonesia joined the Net Movement (GBI) in the opposite direction with SBY for this Century Bank case. From this map it can be measured by what happens in the 2014 general elections next year, the party vote which will be destroyed. As for Gerinda and the PPP, the two parties will have no effect for votes.

If the PD which challenged the people who disagree with Century Bank bailout and the people which blame the government policies for the crisis, so do not blame if at some time will accumulate strength they did not expect. PD arrogance will only be more mature situations.

Strength outside the party that grew up with a systematic, strong and supported network of funds and resources to at least strong enough to be a threat to existence of the nine parties in the House today. That power is the National Democrats (ND). Surya Paloh previously shy to perform, now with strong into the so-called leadership of the organization's community-based organizations.

Target Surya is a big thing, candidates President of the Republic of Indonesia, and the situation today, a sense of distrust for the party and national leadership that is not expressly made to strengthen the ND energy, of time long enough and long enough, the preparations are more Mantang and more Good only need a few corrections to make ND a formidable political party, there was at ND Sultan Hamengkubowono X, but at the time of Sultan will give way to Surya.

Calculations in the year 2014 for the presidential candidate who no longer possible to enter as a candidate SBY as affected by the rules, the PD does not have a strong candidate, was named the wife of Christian SBY Yudhoyono will step forward as a candidate for president, but this is denied by the mother country. Other presidential candidates from other parties have not seen. Thus the political situation and also the quality of national leadership that is now actually utilized by the ND for the preparation of the national leadership of the ideal.

With the political developments of the case and the attitude of Century Bank of the coalition parties, the PKS and Golkar General Secretary is expressed by the PD that the two parties had been betrayed. PKS and Golkar "inappropriate and out of the coalition of ministers from the party should no longer in the cabinet."

Senior in PD, which Hayono Isman also been a youth and sports minister in Suharto government even louder voice. "If they really must be brave knight declared to resign from the cabinet and out of government."

However, the right to remain in the hands reshufle president, the party only provide advice on the development happens, go Hayono.

With the developments today, as well as SBY attitude, then what will happen for the near future, at least for 360 days or one year's time change will not occur cabinet, as well as issues Boediono and Sri Mulyani the same time will not be resolved, as well as the tax case is going through the General Chairman of Golkar Aburizal Bakrie and several important people in Golkar.

"President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono did not have enough guts to make a drastic change, count of SBY count too much and it will take a while even one year would not be enough," said a political observer Arbit Sanit of the University of Indonesia. (


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