Friday, March 5, 2010

SBY ready for war?

By: Yoedi Karyono

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has vetoed a decision of a plenary session the House of Representatives (DPR) related to the case of Century Bank. House of Representatives on March 3 was decided by vote that the former Governor of Bank Indonesia Boediono who now serves as vice president and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani guilty in bank bailout Century, but SBY through a national speech on March 4, defended the two men that the bailout is done to Century Bank is correct in order to save the national economy.

Century Bank case is complete? Of course not, even going to enter a new round of polemics. Government SBY will be bothered in any decision at least until the year 2014 along with the expiration of the term of SBY. The case was approved SBY resolved legally and it will take a very long time, not even enough until the year 2014 was. Nowadays more and more clear where the party's position in coalition with the government of SBY. Functional Groups (Golkar), Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), the United Development Party (PPP). Coupled with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), People's Conscience Party (Hanura) and the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerinda), they are not one of opinion with SBY government policy.

Democratic Party (PD) which followed the life and death is supported by SBY National Mandate Party (PAN) and the National Awakening Party (PKB). Battle for Century's case has been completed in parliament, and is now entering a new phase outside the parliament. Why, SBY's speech on March 4, it does not solve the problem even add new issues, and the day before Sri Mulyani remains with what is done for Century Bank is correct to save the Indonesian economy, as well as Boediono said, a day after the speech SBY. All three are compact says that the bailout measures are right and not guilty.

This nation will depleted only because the Bank Century alone. Voting in the House of Representatives plenary session as a completely democratic way ignored SBY, Boediono and Sri Mulyani. This is because the winning vote contrary to what SBY chill. It is highly expected, what a speech at SBY will perform reshufle cabinet of ministers drawn from the coalition parties that are considered berkianat, as he always shouted at by the Secretary-General PD Amir Syamsudin, Member of Board of Trustees PD Hayono Isman and some important people in the PD. Apparently reshufle SBY did it.

Or SBY to layoff at least Boediono and Sri Mulyani, also not. SBY remains with his opinion and it is also a supporter opinion SBY at the House plenary session, ie option A which has been defeated in the voting, and winners in the voting is option C.

SBY this manner, the Boediono and Sri Mulyani remained confident. They resigned?. It will never happen. Why, this is not the norm in countries like Japan, if an officer suspected him of guilt by the Parliament later voluntarily resigned or even suicide. They chose to stay and do not care will occur demos, criticism and even insults. They are very carefully calculated, how much power their critics, to where the demonstrators had the stamina.

One thing is very interesting. At the time of SBY speech was dated March 4, was present and sat in the front row next to Vice President Boediono, Christian Lady Mrs. Yudhoyono (Ani Yudhoyono) and he was the only non-minister who attended and sat in a chair with his ministers. This has led to various speculations, whether Ani Yudhoyono prepared to replace Boediono, if Boediono very dimakzulkan forced to, or at least Mrs. Ani will occupy a ministerial post, if SBY did reshufle? Who knows.

And there's always another reason, Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono said in a television interview that he would always be present at her husband, President SBY need support. But somehow Mrs. Ani presence in the ranks of ministers led to speculations remain strong. Century Bank case still squeezing the attention, even dates announced March 5 SBY wealth for a total of just less than Rp 8 billion and total wealth Boediono approximately Rp 25 billion, did not lead public opinion in that direction.

SBY is the wealth that was announced was that it was very simple with wealth smaller than Boediono. However the more important should here how much wealth SBY not announced, and this must be tracked by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which at the time of SBY and Boediono convey the amount of wealth was accompanied by Chairman of the Commission Tumpak Hatorangan Pangabean, and has also caused speculation, what Commission has co-opted by power?

This case can not be dammed and the mention of Vice President Boediono who at the time bail out is served as governor of Bank Indonesia, and Sri Mulyani Indrawadi, which until now served as finance minister. Two names are considered most responsible for the bail out which robbed the owner of Century Bank Robert Tantular, Hesyam Al Waraq and Rafat Ali are now safe in foreign countries.

Trust people around SBY became very panicked. Why, because one more step the goal is the position of President SBY, because that is political guerrillas to pressure the political parties in the special committee be minded and different from what the Democratic Party (PD) party that makes SBY as president for the period second. Even political guerrillas were still made after a plenary session.

It is not appropriate''and is no longer feasible as the PKS and the party called Golkar party coalition. During the four months they have been very troublesome, and to what extend to five years, should if they do not feel comfortable out alone from the coalition and the cabinet,''said Amir Syamsudin.

Pressure, threats and the offer was made by the office of PD, both directly and through intermediaries and even a special staff of official duties SBY to handle natural disasters that frequently occur in this country should be engaged to conduct "special duty" is. Andi Arief activists who are anti-Suharto and at that time had been abducted by the military is now a very loyal person to SBY is also this four-star general.

Andi Arief even in ways very rude and vulgar conduct for the party's emphasis is not in line with the PD in the case of Bank Century. The last thing to do is dismantle cheating politicians PKS Misbachum. Data on LC fictitious Century Bank is involved Misbachum and he is also the initiator of the rights questionnaire, because that morally this special committee was weak. For this case will Misbachum I reported to the police. Ordinary people can report these cases, let alone me as a special staff of the president, said Andi Arief.

But a day later Misbachum Andi Arief reported to police that does Andi Arief is defamation. All the accused what Andi Arief clarified and disputed by the data and the reason most are not quite reasonable by Misbachum.

Not only LC fictitious case, the whole case law, corruption, tax evasion, and any who may have done all dismantled. Affected parties such as the Functional Groups (Golkar) for cases of tax evasion and was directly involved Golkar Chairman Bakrie, other Golkar leaders Setya Novanto Century even the Special Committee Chairman who is also from Golkar Idrus Markham.

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Emir Moeis names mentioned are also involved in the case of Century, while the PDI-P politicians who else was detained The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for cases of electoral bribery at the deputy governor of Bank Indonesia. Former Minister of Social Affairs Bachtiar Chamsyah, also a senior politician of the United Development Party (PPP) to be targeted for inclusion in prison, as well as other politicians of the PPP.

Special staff president who recognizes a specific task and directly from the president to basically do a political guerrilla and casting issues and cases involving political figures or parties who are not one vote in the case of Century Bank. Andi Arief said, which made it not a political lobby, and there is no bargaining position or beef trade. "I'm just giving the actual data is the problem that occurred over the Bank because of the growing Century now no longer compatible with reality," he said.

Special staff this president wants all political parties and all leaders and all the power in this country support what is done by Bank Indonesia and the Minister of Finance in conducting bail out. Not only political parties and politicians who visited and given "understanding", but the wild character of political parties and are considered influential and able to influence the attitudes of political parties in the committee. Those who attend include former chairman of Muhammadiyah center Syafii Ma'arif, former chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly Amien Rais former Golkar chairman Akbar Tanjung.

Result, the figures are considered influential and able to influence the results of the special committee Century there was no effect anything. political guerrillas carried out a special staff internsif SBY is likely to be even rude and vulgar, in any way made to change the attitude that no single party voice and one mind.

Gerinda got confused, Permadi SH intellectuals and party advisers who also had served so long in the PDI-P said, if Gerinda follow the game at the Century Special Committee that will take advantage of the Golkar Party. "If they get rid of Boediono as vice president, then who will be the next vice president is Aburizal Bakrie."

What do those who are loyal to SBY with ways to spread the rumor that SBY dirty political opponents and engage a variety of cases, and aims to weaken them, but in the body of this government involvement also many cases. Then these two sides said they were equally the most immoral and work for the nation and state. Partisan political guerrilla SBY was not successful, the Parliament has to vote and who wins is opponents of government policies and blamed Boediono and Sri Mulyani.

Meanwhile, in West Java Bandung Ciwedey landslide which resulted in the death of dozens of people and destruction of social and economic life. Special staff president should deal with this problem properly and quickly even more concentration to save the position of SBY. Is the political disaster that will experience SBY regime would be far greater than the disaster in Ciwedey requiring very special attention? It's just a matter of morality's all. (


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