By: Yoedi Karyono
The threat of a big demo with the promise of mobilizing thousands and even hundreds of thousands of participants to reject the arrival of demo President of the United States (U.S.) Barrack Hussein Obama (BHO) with forced to cancel. At least for March 23, 2010. Why, BHO directly from his office in the White House on March 18, 2010 has declared himself to cancel his visit to Indonesia - Jakarta previously planned on 23 and 25 March, now postponed until next June. BHO immediately called President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Why is canceled. Scared demo? Not at all, BHO more major national interests and its people.
BHO is currently struggling to get health insurance law for 30 million more Americans living in poverty and are not able in the health field, they are very vulnerable when the summer comes to die when it's hot and winter will freeze to death in alley the shabby street. Concern BHO to prioritize the domestic affairs is what he had to attend and ensure that laws should be managed, and was badly in need of physical presence BHO.
BHO is a concern of political promises he made during a presidential campaign. It is very gentelmen national interests and the interests of poor people who really need help, and this must be owned by a leader, especially for big countries like the U.S..
Meanwhile in Indonesia, precisely in Tangerang is a truly pathetic scene of a eight-month-old boy from a poor family was rejected by a hospital for treatment, because the master is not able to provide care payment of Rp 10 million or a $ 950 and finally died in urban transportation, and for this event none officials in this country is reacting, even though media coverage is intense. The hospital only gave money to the family's grief is Rp 200 thousand or USD 20 only, really cheap prices grief in this country.
One small example for the case in Indonesia over too many examples related to health services in Indonesia, and too many tragic stories that happen to the poor. Even in this country are no words for that poor, poor people are prohibited ill. Why, it is certain they will not be able to afford health care, and concern for the government and there was hardly any officials.
Return to BHO's plan to visit Indonesia, presidential spokesman Dino foreign field Pati Djalal said, President Obama planned to visit in mid-June, about criticism in the U.S. state of saying that BHO only trip to visit Indonesia, especially Bali. Expected in June next all the plans is much more complete and more mature.
Hard-line group which claimed to represent Islam in Indonesia Hibutz Taharir said not too disappointed at the delay BHO visit. "Whenever Obama, or any other U.S. president to come and visit to Indonesia, during the U.S. still do Muslims slaughter policy, we will continue to rejection," said Ismail Yusnanto, a character in Hibutz Tahrir. If so, BHO will come in June, was even better, so we are preparing to do a lot of rejection would be more mature and more widely. "We'll see."
Two major Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah was no objection expressed by the presence of BHO and his party in Indonesia, "We are just as welcome guests, for what noisy for things you do not need." Said Chairman Central Board of Nahdatul Ulama KH Hasyim Muzadi, while the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Dien Syamsudin said, "The dialogue is much more important. So when will engage in dialogue if nothing is done a lot of rejection."
Even Abu Aqillah, one of Ustad influential among Islamic hardliners and also experts in the field of medical treatment and spiritual saying, "Let Obama come to Indonesia, if necessary, let him walk in Tanah Abang, without escort. We prove that the majority of this country Muslims are safe. Western perceptions about Islam and about Indonesia which is not safe will be answered here directly. Who knows Obama even get guidance in Indonesia and become an example for other leaders of Western countries that had still think sideways about Islam and also about Indonesia."
Although BHO and his party planned a visit to Indonesia, continued to Guam and then to Australia as previous plans, but a team of special guards logistic Obama has been preparing to visit the head of his country, particularly activities that occur on the island of Bali. The intensity of activity to prepare for the presidential visit was much greater in Bali, when compared with Airbase Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta. Obama's advance team would at least enjoy the beauty of the island of Bali for three months, and that the cost of the home country and also borne by the Government of Indonesia.
Number of U.S. presidential security team who were in Bali around 300 personnel, most of them stationed in the five-star hotels in Bali, and some people are in Ngurah Rai Airport, and even then for their lowly beroangkat. Aircraft carriers, logistics which contains sophisticated tools for communication, and some important equipment that is only known to the guards Obama. Security officers from Indonesia which is also located in the area near Ngurah Rai banned. Also in the sea area near the island of Bali carrier owned by the U.S. Seventh Fleet was also prepared. For the U.S. presidential security standards, they are set, not the host security. And that's what makes the former Chief of Army Staff General (ret) Tyasno Sudarto offense, "the U.S. security forces are degrading the security forces of this country." (
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