By: Yoedi Karyono
The immediate impact of a plenary session after the House of Representatives (DPR) for the case of Century Bank is the attitude of one of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) since the founding of the party claiming to be fighters of this small people, now transformed into the more pragmatic.
Why, Chairman of the Central Advisory Board PDI-P Taufik Kiemas PDIP is also Board Chairman husbands Central Executive PDIP Megawati began to join forces to target and share power with the Democratic Party (PD), the party winning a general election that made Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) as president until the 2014 period.
PD functionaries disappointment over the coalition that was formed with Golkar, PKS, PPP, try to be used by TK, also chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly. PDIP grass roots''we wanted coalition with PD to continue this administration, called the blue alliance,''said TK.
TK calculations, there are eight ministerial positions that will be used PDIP, if SBY is doing reshufle remove cabinet ministers from the coalition party that had supported SBY, and proved in the case of Century Bank of the party's coalition with SBY in the opposite direction, even some of the PD says that the traitor party must get out of the coalition.
The results of the plenary session recommended that the guilt of cases worth Rp 6.7 trillion was the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Governor of Bank Indonesia at that time and now Vice President Boediono responded very slowly by SBY. Even felt very long-winded. After almost a month of new SBY reacted by calling his ministers, while the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) also did not do anything against Sri Mulyani and Boediono.
But until the last statement on the recommendation of the House SBY did not differ with the statement dated March 4, 2010 that Boediono and Sri Mulyani was innocent and that the bailout policy is correct. Why SBY bold recommendations conflict with the House, is because SBY has his own calculations that the factions agree to option C when it is not solid anymore. And bring recommendations to the realm of the law will require a long time until the year 2014 that when the two volumes of SBY's cabinet over the issue of this Century will not be wrong.
Top less harmonious relationship in the government coalition party of SBY, the kindergarten prepared to enter the government, according to TK, the ideology of the PDIP and PD are the same and this will facilitate cooperation that will be built, at least until the year 2014. Fact not the case, PD is idelogi market economy and the Vice President Boediono known as adherents of liberal economic mahzab and very pro-Western. All that is contrary to the cause idelogi and PDIP the grassroots struggle.
Menuver TK to build a blue coalition, according to people close Heru Lelono at court and has a special relationship with SBY, was very certain that the coalition will be formed, from the kindergarten and also the PD is doing a very intensive meeting.
However, all denied by Megawati, TK does have the right to speak but did not have a vote in the PDIP, so all decisions in the PDIP is determined by Congress. Direction''PDIP struggle has not changed, and I'm still holding direction at this party.''
Personal relationships between Megawati and SBY is not good, ahead of general elections last year Megawati tried to avoid meeting with SBY to even shake hands. Not a good relationship between the two starts in the event of difference of perception at the time of SBY to Coordinating Minister for Political and Security at the time of Megawati became president, it is continued resentment at kemudiaan SBY was elected president 10 years ago and defeated Megawati and at last year's presidential election .
The situation is very private, Megawati became president during a general PDIP it is highly unlikely that will PDIP coalition with PD and support the government of SBY, or kindergarten will strive to Megawati, who is also his wife did not re-elected as chairman, or at least reduce the influence of Megawati in the PDIP.
Party based at Soekarno ideoligi outside the government have a winner in the general election in 1999, but who became president Abdurrachman Wahid. Megawati had become president for two years after Abdurrachman Wahid dimakzulkan because Bulog Gate, the next two presidential elections and a presidential candidate Megawati and SBY defeated twice.
PDIP turnout from election to election always suffer a setback, as long as the party declared itself as an opposition party's vote continues to decline, up to 12 percent. Situations that make this party drivers to be more pragmatic. But for now, if the party joined the PD in the government, then what will happen is to fight PDIP PDIP and it was certainly a tough fight. Or is PD too powerful and has a strategy and tactics that politics is better able to shake the party's most bitter rivals this.(
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