Thursday, April 15, 2010

Very Tragic

By: Yoedi Karyono

Fellow Muslims hate each other even kill each other with a very sadistic, it's not an impossible one. See's happening in Tanjung Priok, Koja in precisely in front of the tomb of Habib Hasan bin Muhammad Al-Hadad. Five thousand more Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) attacked dozens of people, most of whom are still children who are in the tomb complex. They were at that time was to take your lessons, studying Islam, because it's still fairly early days, not hours of 09:00 pm.

Satpol PP was commissioned by the Special Government Jakarta Special Region (administration) to do the cleaning of the tomb area of illegal building, and land where the tomb stands by the state and legal documents are owned by Port of Indonesia II (Pelindo II), while the grave is considered sacred by most Muslims to be there since the year 1785, long before the State of Indonesia was established.

Cleaning up illegal building? Those who are in the tomb is not believed. Why, in front of the tomb had been prepared three bulldozers to destroy buildings. Tomb would be evicted for the purpose of territorial expansion Pelindo II to conform with international standards as an international-class seaport. Negotiations for the tomb had not evicted between the heirs to the administration's grave and also Pelindo II had been performed, but no consensus, finally on April 14, 2010 that was conducted by way of forced execution deployed thousands of police backed Satpol PP.

Throwing stones at each other between the masses and Satpol PP, followed by another throwing Molotov cocktails, then continued fighting with each other and use the tool as it is, then there is a very barbaric situation, children are still minors beaten with clubs by the dozens of members of the PP with Satpol using batons and kicking military boots, at the time of the beating had fallen still continued with trampled.

The police and military who numbered only a dozen people are unable to prevent what is being done by Satpol PP. They have been doing the persecution of the masses, the taxpayers who also provide Part of the money to pay Satpol II. PP and vice versa Satpol captured by their mass-out beaten, beaten and trampled on even when dying they were burned.

The result of the riots during the 18-hour, three members who together Satpol PPWarsito, Tajuddin and Israel Jaya died very tragically beaten and burned, 134 people from both sides were wounded and 10 policemen were lightly injured seriously enough, dozens of operational car Satpol's PP and police burned mass, Pelindo II suffered a loss of about Rp 20 billion and total material losses reached about Rp 200 billion.
Who is wrong and should be liable? The Government''and Pelindo II will be responsible for all this unrest. We do not intend to find fault, but for this event must have a responsible and it was very clear, Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo and President Director of PT Pelindo II Richard Joost Lino,''said Hamida Wandah a member of the House of Representatives Jakarta City Mandate of Nationalism Fraction.

Even President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) at night when the riots took place to give a statement that for the case of sensitive issues related to this kind of administration should be very wise and think more in a result that will happen. SBY statement is very quickly and directly provide feedback on what happened. SBY perform live, but unfortunately only one private television station that broadcast live the Metro TV.

TVRI as government-owned television stations at the same time as SBY deliver an important statement was broadcast songs Malays, even the show is the result of recording a few days ago or even a few months earlier. Important presidential statement relating to the clashes between government forces with the masses may be considered less important to be given directly or television broadcast time waiting for orders.

It's very tragic clash between fellow Muslims kill each other with a very sadistic way, remnants of the great war riots like the rest of dozens of cars were burnt and destroyed. This tragic event''really does not need to happen and could be prevented in advance. Why, if Satpol PP is not arrogant and they want to resign and return to their places then this will not happen, but when I do the negotiations there was a police officer with the rank and jasmine two initials M, still ordered the execution. We're ready to fight, this is the end result of the arrogance of this tragic event should happen,''said Habib Riziq Shibab chairman of the Islamic Defenders Front.

According to Habib, the grave site is now known as Mbah Priok tomb was not only heir property, but belongs to the Islamic Ummah. If the government of DKI Jakarta and Pelindo still arrogant and still exert power and kekuatanya, then I am afraid is a very tragic thing bigger will happen, all of us who bear the losses were even very large losses.

At the time of the riots occurred, thousands of Muslims from various regions are getting ready to go to Jakarta to maintain the grave site. ''Now if there's a wider unrest and then we react Muslims accused of being extremists, violent terrorists and more emphasis, when we are provoked,''said Habib.
For the case of Grave site Mbah Priok, President Yudhoyono declared as a status quo this is done to avoid something worse will happen. However, negotiations between the heirs of the tomb, the Government of DKI Jakarta and Pelindo II is still being done one day after the riots. The talks led by Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta Army Major General (ret) Prijanto successfully reach an agreement, Pelindo II, which was previously only agreed to give land only 100 meters to the grave site was developed as demanded by the heirs of about 5 hectares.

Berkaiatan problems with religious rituals and very sentitif, at Tanjung Priok area was in 1983 also had a very tragic thing happened, the mass clashes with the authorities, specifically the army which resulted in human deaths, amounts to many people today still a mystery, because time was very strong so that the ruling regime is not possible to know the number of those killed, could be tens or even hundreds.

For this kind of problem is only one key, act more wisely and do not survive each other with data and the rule of law, the tomb had been there before this country was born. Respect the way back down from the authorities far more profitable than to hold on, and it has been proven by 14 April 2010 riots.(


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