By: Yoedi Karyono
PNPS Law No. 1 Year 1965 (number 1 UUPNS 1965) about the desecration of religion, those who perform religious desecration can be punished, not be revoked by the Constitutional Court (MK) and it was decided at the last session of the Court dated 19 April 2010. Previously, the government's expert witness from the party who is an artist Taufiq Ismail gave an illustration that legislation was a fence in order to avoid confusion between faiths, and those who are guilty of religious desecration get a fair punishment unfair.
Although''there is a fence. Still we hear and see a broken head, killing each other, there is a place of worship desecrated, burned and other horrific violence. So what if the fence was removed, what this nation is ready to face our children kill each other or jump off a cliff 45 meters high,''said Taufiq.
Illustration Taufiq has been answered, the Chairman Mahfud MD Court has previously suggested that this sensitive legislation would never be revoked even though will not be revised. ''There are three thoughts that exist in the session. Laws were revoked, revised or maintained,''said Mahfud.
According to Mahfud, I personally prefer this legislation enacted as it is, and as is true so far. There was no compelling reason to repeal this law would be very risky even if this law is revoked.
Three people are very influential proposed repeal of this law, they are Abdurrachman KH Wahid (Gus Dur), Honor and Dawam Musda. Gus Dur and Musda known as the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), but more likely to be liberal and defending the rights of minority groups, despite the existence of groups that interfere with other religions. While Dawam known as scholars from the Muhammadiyah which have long been excluded from their communities, because his views are strange to Islam.
Stewardship of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) berhimpunnya place that scholars have been selected and they entrust Said Agyl Siradj as chairman of the Big Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Makassar. There Kiai Sahal Mahfudz elected advisor of this organization. But somehow that still will run these religious organizations remain chairman.
Said Agyl, one week before the election it held meetings with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at his home in Cikeas, and finished the meeting Said said,''I'm running as general chairman of NU, and I have the support Mr. Yudhoyono.''
Apparently, Said was elected. He did have the support SBY or not, but delam fact all been completed and Said entitled to lead NU to the next five years. But of all the happiest in the body itself is a character young NU NU Ulil Abshar Abdallah, who is known as character Liberal Islam Network (JIL) and is also known to be very close to the aspirations of the west and is also known to be close to Jewish aspirations.
Ulil who had studied five years in the United States (U.S.) are known to be hostile to other Islamic groups, even among his own NU Ulil experiencing rejection. Ulil who always take advantage of the influence Abdurrachman Wahid, Gus Dur's good at living or dead, it looks at when he ran for chairman of NU, and it fails, it's because Ulil rejection known as JIL leader and not a single line with an expert NU Sunnah wal Jamaah.
However, Said Agyl also known as Gus Dur's golden boy is not much different from the attitude and outlook Ulil. Said Agyl was a moderate and accommodative towards the Ahmadiyah sect, the Shia and the flow of ideas of religious pluralism that had been championed by the liberal flow, and Said Agyl an Advisor flow at the time of Confucius served as president Gus Dur.
The battle for influence and interests of religious organizations with a number of its members around 40 million people are not weird, too many interests that will take advantage of NU, and it's been happening since the country was born 60 years ago. At the time of Sukarno era, NU is the only one who easily accept the principle of forced Sukarno's time. Nasakom (nasionalime, religion and communism) and that represents religious groups when it is NU. This organization was a target to be used by anyone, let alone those who have political interests.
In the Soeharto era and the Functional Group (Golkar) as well as menfaatkan NU politic engine to reduce noise in the Islamic political party berazas other means strong enough that the United Development Party (PPP). Abdurrachman Wahid, who was then the chairman of NU do movement "penggembosan" - influence the voters of the NU for not choosing the PPP, and succeeded. Golkar became the dominant political party for 30 years.
Gus Dur had become Chairman of the NU was also the intelligence services, proximity of Gus Dur with the Armed Forces Commander General LB Moerdani can not be diminished. Furthermore, Gus Dur doing things controversy during the lead NU and also the conflict between Wahid and some NU leaders are strong enough between lin KH Achmad Sidiq, Yusuf Hasyim and Gus Dur is also controversy over relations with Israel even Gus Dur is believed to be members of the institute that Shimon Perez located in the Jewish state. And this causes a problem with Islamic forces lainnnya inside and outside of NU.
Simultaneously with the election Said Agyl Siradj in the Constitutional Court (MK) test took place the material PNPS Act of 1965 concerning the punishment for those who do penondaan religion, and Gus Dur's one of those who conduct the review's proposals. The Court decided the rule was not lifted. There is an interesting thing when the government filed an expert witness statement which the poet Taufiq Ismail.
Act''is like a fence that has protected us for 45 years. Nevertheless there are still conflicts that resulted in broken heads, houses of worship burned, assassinations and other violence that is so horrible. What to remove this fence we're ready to plunge our children far into the abyss with broken heads and other issues,''said Taufiq.
Gus Dur as a teacher and Said Said Agyl great respect and his attitude to religious diversity and prularisme, his attitude will not be significantly different attitudes toward the flow Achmadiyah Gus Dur, Lia Eden and the various streams that have been categorized to penondaan religion, religious pluralism is expected to be followed by Said Agyl, at least that's what is expected by Ulil Abshar, and it is not impossible that will add to problems in the body of NU. (
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