Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boediono.... Boediono

By: Yoedi Karyono

Century Bank scandal worth Rp 6.7 trillion, which involves the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Boediono entered a new phase, including those experienced by Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawadi. Body language and oral language are considered the two people most responsible for this Century case leads to a strange start. Boediono who at the time bail out worth Rp 6.7 trillion for Century Bank he served as governor of Bank Indonesia continues to experience harassment and ptotes from society and also the House of Representatives (DPR) plenary session decided that in option C that Boediono and Sri Mulyani guilty and is responsible for the case.

''What I do with finance ministers to address how to bail out the crisis with the bank amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion Century is correct to address a bigger crisis, as happened years ago in 1998. What do I do it my responsibility for accountability in the world and the Here after,''said Boediono.

Boediono, who is also professor of economics at the University Gadjahmada experienced rejection from his students and also a critical question and criticize from the lecturers at this famous university in Indonesia. Shouts thief for Boediono received anywhere Boediono visiting and doing activities in the country, while Sri Mulyani also experienced similar things even in the House to mensyahkan paripurma meeting Draft Budget Changes in State Revenues and Expenditures for these two factions chose option C, the PDI-P and Hanura did walk out.

Sri Mulyani was only able to say''Alhamdullilah’ (Thank God).''Just one word only, but her smile looks so forced and sat uneasily next to the Coordinator of Economic and Finance Minister Hatta Radjasa, Sri Mulyani movement showing anxiety can not be closed up. Finance Minister expressed the world as the best finance minister was indeed in great trouble. Although President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has defended the all-out, but the currents of society that demands fairness and clarity to the case of Century Bank nevertheless greatly affect the appearance of Sri Mulyani, who has been very confident.

Help and support for President Yudhoyono to Boediono and Sri Mulyani no responsibility, even checking the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which was also examined Boediono and Sri Mulyani intervention. Usually anyone who examined the KPK should come to the commission and the building was no exception as anyone in the eyes of the law the same position. But not to Boediono and Sri Mulyani, they are checked in the office, and the Commission which came second.

SBY, really do not appreciate the KPK. Boediono and Sri Mulyani Yudhoyono summoned to the Palace to the cabinet meeting, therefore the KPK investigation pending. ''We, the people do not care where they want to be checked, which is essential if the Commission is able to catch Boediono and Sri Mulyani and put into jail. Matter where they are checked, never mind too much interference from SBY,''Kwik Kian Gie said the former minister of economics and finance coordinator of the era of President Megawati.

What makes, who is also expert in the field of economics is the claim at the University Gadjahmada Boediono that,''What he said Boediono not new and had been told three times in three chances. Boediono very sure what is done is correct, but in general to bail out banks who made a big mistake Century, economists, practitioners and those who know the actual conditions in 2008 saying that there is no crisis in Indonesia, as happened in 1998,'' said Kwik.

''So what's the difference Boediono with terrorists? The terrorists also believe that is correct, though generally done, is wrong. Terrorist act and declared able to perform responsibly in the world and the hereafter, because he felt he was doing was right. Boediono also have the belief, what difference faith and belief Boediono terrorists,''said Kwik.

I am sure, continue Kwik, Boediono and Sri Mulyani not receive money from the bail out, but due to steps taken that there is a person or group of people who really benefit and they receive money in a spectacular number, name of Robert Tantular, Hesyam Waraq and Rafat Ali enjoy the work of Boediono and Sri Mulyani.

Decision of the House of Representatives plenary session of the chose option C, with very clearly spell out that Boediono and Sri Mulyani guilty. Parliament is a political institution can not punish Boediono and Sri Mulyani, but has been running a political punishment for certain, the KPK itself that has intervened become very weak, especially when it is experiencing internal problems, KPK Chairman Antasari Azhar, jailed and fired as head of the KPK because the case murder, two seeds, KPK deputy chairman Bibit Slamet Riyanto and Chandra Hamzah Anggodo for cases prosecuted by bribery.

Too many are tangled in this country, judges being investigated by the Judicial Commission for bribery case, the prosecutor reviewed the police for bribery cases, the police checked the police for bribery case, the judge examined the case of the police for bribes. All law enforcement agencies are in trouble and everything associated with cases of bribery and corruption.

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, trying to clear himself by way of tax cases dimanupilasi membokar. Earlier Sri Mulyani allegedly involved in the case of Paul Tumewu which also manipulate income of Rp 1.6 trillion, with the previous Attorney General Saleh Abdurrachman fake registration tax was only to Rp 6 billion more. Manipulation of tax payment in the body which is also the responsibility of the minister of finance, this is very strange, Sri Mulyani Would not that be responsible for clean or dirty the institution he leads.

Pain does not care about the welfare of ordinary people outside the way in this country, the Parliament asked for a new building valued at Rp 1.8 trillion, on the grounds that the building that housed it was crooked, but after the Public Works Department inspected the building where work is no problem with DPR slope caused by the earthquake some time ago and even the building was still able to survive for 50 years into the future.

From the result of discussions conducted with the community and the experts say,''What were the contents of his head tilted members of Parliament, not the building and those that should be addressed first so concerned with the fate of the people who said they stand for,''said Kwik Kian Gie. (rainbowdiplomacy.com)


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