Monday, May 10, 2010

Professionals or politicians, or ...?

By: Yoedi Karyono

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawadi, never mind. Positive her new position at the World Bank as a Managing Director responsible for the care of 74 countries. Legal cases that involve the Century Bank case worth Rp 6.7 trillion will also evaporate without certain clarity. Why, until a second examination of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and has involved dozens of witnesses was not able to show what Sri Mulyani guilt or innocence of Century Bank's bailout.

Sri Mulyani admitted to having done wrong over the case? Do not expect, until whenever it will never happen. On the other hand, the Party of Functional Groups (Golkar) has been getting some national sovereignty from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), the General Chairman of Golkar diangkatkan Bakrie become Chief Executive of the Secretariat of the Joint Coalition Party. Though Golkar did not sweat over the election of Yudhoyono at the presidential elections in 2009.

Golkar coalition party competitors who make Yudhoyono as president, Golkar is now a greater benefit. Century Bank case Golkar actually utilized very well and the maximum. It was common knowledge there is enmity between the Sri Mulyani with Bakrie Bakrie business matter that violates the rules is always hampered Sri Mulyani, in addition to Rp 1.6 trillion tax payable Bakrie was not clear until now none of his business.

Case of Lapindo mudflow in East Java, which, however Sidoardjo Aburizal should be responsible also considered quiet. Aburizal position now by becoming the head of the secretariat daily with coalition parties as well as the position as prime minister. Incredible.

So what is obtained by the Democrat Party, the party dead and life support SBY. Golkar was no longer disputed Century Bank case, this case is resolved politically, means, please do not expect there will be a legal settlement of the case. Sri Mulyani will to live quietly and work quietly in Washington DC.

Indeed KPK states will continue to conduct inquiries on the case,''Ms. Sri Mulyani During nor anyone else connected Century Bank case was still in the world, the Commission will continue to check until the issue is clear,''said Vice Chairman of the KPK Bibit Samad Riyanto.

They do not know what, how complicated keimgrasian to enter the United States, let alone aimed to investigate the men allegedly involved legal issues, and again Sri Mulyani will occupy important positions in banks whose majority shares are owned by the United States, and more difficult to World Bank separated with the interests of the United States Department of Defense - the Pentagon. ''Since the first, since the World Bank was established they are more accommodating American interests, and especially the Pentagon. Director of the bank is always the blessing of the Pentagon, which currently Robert Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz previously and also the one before that was always the dominant interference Pentagon,''said Ichsanuddin Norsry economic analysts and public policy.

Hard to say there are no Jews on the chosen intervention in Sri Mulyani, the World Bank, coincidence or not to stock brokers and investors world-class Jew George Soros met with Yudhoyono was accompanied by a few weeks ahead of Sri Mulyani Indrawati departure to Washington. ''I was also asked to provide inputs, who will replace me as finance minister, and his decision. In the hands of Mr. President,''she said after the meeting.

There are some names successor as finance minister Sri Mulyani, there is a Anggito Abimanyu who is now an important person in the finance department, there Diretur of Bank Mandiri, there are important officials at Bank Indonesia and many more names. Overall it was not important, what was important who the next finance ministers are those who can coordinate with the interests of developed countries.

Do they have a background of technocrats, as long as it was launched by the Democrats, the successor to Sri Mulyani, not from political parties, the rose is also not important. ''If there's a sense of allergy to a political party that will replace the position of Sri Mulyani, arguing later that ministers from political parties will be the party that appointed him dairy cows. Then the country went bankrupt in the case of Bank Indonesia liquidity assistance - BLBI Volume one and volume two, which amounts to hundreds of trillions of rupiah, who did it, they're the professionals, not politicians,''said Kwik Kian Gie former Chairman of National Development Planning Agency.

Bribery case of Bank Indonesia deputy governor Miranda, what he or professional politicians, and the most recent case of Century Bank, they are professionals who conduct economic crimes. Or''professional politicians in this country is in trouble with their respective levels,''he said.

Nation and the country is indeed strange, Century Bank case worth Rp 6.7 trillion, with a value of billions of tax cases being investigated by a very vigorous and bustle, while the adverse BLBI country hundreds of trillions of rupiah is still very quiet. Large or small''cases, anything and anyone involved should dilesaikan'' Kwik continued.

But what could possibly be done in a fair settlement, political parties have formed a cartel. Golkar Party with the Democrats will have 60 percent more power in the parliament, and it's very safe for the SBY government until 2014, in all legal institutions are experiencing problems, officials are not clean and involved cases of bribery, corruption and other crimes, meanwhile, Party outside the political cartel remain calm and feel happy.

Likewise with the President who praised all the greatness of Sri Mulyani as the best financial manager and a boon to the nation and state, when the manager was hijacked by the World Bank, SBY even feel proud and to allow Sri Mulyani his new position to defend the interests of other countries.

World Bank''was flippant, without polite they hijack the financial manager of SBY. But more strange SBY feigning surprise, but already knew. What is this? Is there a high-level conspiracy to get rid Sri Mulyani not to talk and would jeopardize their position in power,''said Kwik.

According Ichsannuddin, achievement of the World Bank to help third world countries, there is absolutely no, none of the third world countries who assisted the World Bank to be developed and independently, the World Bank is only a tool of capitalist countries to benefit the maximum from third world countries, especially those that still have natural resources with huge reserves. State''are poor and have no natural resources, it helped only to be merely ceremonial, and then they leave.''

With the Sri Mulyani at the World Bank, said Ichsan, then what will happen he will help the World Bank operations, let alone he was considered highly qualified to take care of the third world. Interest''for Indonesia. There will be no, pride. That is also nonsense, the positions will be occupied Sri Mulyani previously only held by former ministers of small countries and countries not advanced. That complex inlander consider what is given by the west, by the western countries as an honor and the best.''(


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