Sunday, May 23, 2010

Want to kill the President? Yeah, right!

By: Yoedi Karyono

Five people who otherwise by the Police of the Republic of Indonesia as a terrorist is dead, one person was clearly named Saptono and taken home by his family for burial. Four other bodies were still in the police hospital. How much longer that will be captured or killed because they perform terrorist acts, there is no certainty, it is probably still a lot.

''Those who have been killed and some arrested, and they are now is still a fugitive cop still nothing, which is dangerous for those who are never referred to them call her name and control the operation of terrorism that will never be finished until their goal successfully,''said Sidney Jones of terrorism in Indonesian observer from the United States who have dwelt long enough in Indonesia,

According to Sidney Jones, the name of Abdullah Sonata is now known as the planners call the terror does have a very strong network, the pattern of terror and those who fostered Sonata become terrorists is different from what was done by his predecessor Noordin M Top, Sonata a network with a personal terror target , the target individual.

Indonesian terrorist network''will never die, they are still a lot of embryos and widespread and it will change from generation to generation,''said Sidney.

KH Hasyim Muzadi, one Muslim scholar and also a former board chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, said the government in dealing with terrorism far less effective. In fact, eliminated more than 10 years is still there. Why, how did the government do to overcome the problem of terrorism is by way of terror.

This step is very wrong''. Faced terror with terror, those who happen to wear the Islamic attributes, bearded, wearing a suspected ghamish often be targeted as a terrorist. Is not this kind of stigmatization is a way of terror, then there are still many steps to intimidation by Muslim groups. This will even cause resentment to the government will even make them which was not a terrorist would be sympathetic to a terrorist act because the measures taken by the government is wrong,''said Hashim.

Meanwhile, Habib Hussein Assegaf one of the leaders of Islamic organizations mentioned, Islam is Islam there is no hard line or moderate line. ''Those who claim Islam then perform acts of terrorism, assassinations, bombings and other violent Islamic act of broken lines.''
Now this happens very systematically stigmatization, those who wear the Islamic attributes of suspected terrorists, even recite Islamic religious associations is also suspected as a potential terrorist. The suspect was''not only those outside the religion of Islam, but Islam itself from the circle, this is a very tragic situation, the Muslims of other Muslims who suspect, and this is engineering intelligence, very dangerous,''said Assegaf.

A pious Muslim, continued Assegaf, with a fairly good knowledge of the religion has plenty of followers who would be targeted for suspicion and memilki potential as a terrorist.
By Assegaf, those who have died at the hands of a special detachment of 88, were arrested or become the target menangkapan police are the ones who had fought in Afghanistan to help the United States (U.S.) expel the Soviet Union, they joined the mujaheeden Afghanistan. That's why they were''very skilled at making bombs, conduct guerrilla warfare and acts of violence.''

Problem Sidney Jones, continued Assegaf, he was placed by an American intelligence agency - CIA, the goal is not just to quell terrorism, but to perform other activities that aim to divide Muslims in Indonesia. Sidney''has a good strong team of American and Indonesian people who become their stooges, and the government provides support to Sidney.''

Target of terrorism in Indonesia kill President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono?, Both Assegaf and Hashim said not too sure,''What is the capital owned by those who went to the line is damaged and becomes a terrorist, some kind of weapon AK, M 16, a pistol and some money or still more evidence that the police had confiscated, what with that power could be capable of beating the ability of the security forces.''

Assegaf said, the terrorists do not dream to defeat the government in ways that applied for this,''I strongly believe, the majority Muslims in Indonesia will not support or will never support tindalan terrorists, they are only small groups are doing interference. In fact, they were very quickly overcome kepolsian party.''

According to the Commander of the Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88) Large Police Commissioner Sumardi Itto, the target kill the president, ministers, diplomats and state officials will be held at the time of this country to commemorate the Anniversary of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 2010.

Successful''or not, if the terrorist operation that could touch the Merdeka Palace, then politically they have reached the target,''said Itto.

Former Chief of Army General of the State Intelligence Agency (ret) AM Hendropriyono mentioned, the pattern of terrorism today is done in a way that never performed as the murder of Egyptian President Anwar Saddat few years ago, they took procession at his country's independence anniversary, nah if the terrorists in Indonesia do that step, whether they are capable of infiltrating into the body of military, police or those who will participate in the commemoration day of independence.

''Or they would approach the Merdeka Palace where the anniversary of independence by wearing ghamish, berjengggot or other attributes, it is highly unlikely. Also around the palace at the time of the anniversary of independence is very tight security, not only on land, but also in the air and every corner and the visitors secured with a very tight,''said Assegaf.

They, more Assegaf, just a dream and only if their target maneuvering to kill the president. ''And so far we never know, what is the purpose of those who are called as terrorists, because they were dead before talking, and they are arrested and tried not to speak what is never clear.''

What happened, said Assegaf, those who wear Islamic attributes remain a target for terrorists suspected of embryos, and still will be many more who would be killed, arrested or remained controlled as a terrorist. This stigmatization''that must be eliminated, finish terrorism in a way clearly, describe the root of the problem and solve it, we do not pursue the Muslims pursued as a target.''(


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