By: Yoedi Karyono
What words are most appropriate. Invade with full force against human or human group, and they're aimed at providing assistance to other human beings who are suffering because blockade of political, economic and other blockade for nearly three years. They will provide assistance that is in Ship Humanitarian Aid to Palestinians in Gazza, Mavi Marmara. May 31, 2010 attacks in the Gulf of Gazza's. The result, 19 people were killed another 30 people were injured, even those who suffered injuries that will increase in numbers.
Raid "very successful" this can only be done by the Jewish State of Israel's elite forces. Reasons the raid, they shot earlier of the Mavi Marmara? Defend himself and the reaction received from the attack earlier, all the reasons Israel was unreasonable. Why, before Mavi Marmara ship carrying more than 150 volunteers from various countries, including 16 people from Indonesia, has told reporters openly that they would send humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gazza.
Other reasons, the Israeli army attacked with sharp weapons by the passengers in the Mavi Marmara. This is a spontaneous reaction from the passengers Mavi Marmara, as the Israeli elite troops to shooting, murder on the ship, and they fight with improvised weapons. Very reasonable if there are passengers aboard a knife or other cooking equipment. Firearms, never to be found on the ship that was attacked. Why, because they are located on the ship that was carrying out humanitarian missions, rather than being smuggled weapons or is ready to fight.
Basically, the attack by Israel is indeed a very mature choice and planned. In terms of military strategy, political dn, Israel will never labeled anyone or any organization with legally entered into Gazza, if Mavi Marmara, who managed to go smoothly, then the next one will enter a variety of vessels with diverse interests to help the struggle of the People Palestine.
Government and our country''is only to defend themselves, no more than that, those who intend to move in Gazza has a political purpose''said government spokesman Mark Negev of Israel, showing the goods buktu any weapon used to attack their elite troops Gazza in the Gulf, which was just a slingshot, marbles, seeds and a kitchen knife.
According to observers the Middle East problem, Smith Al Hadar, Israeli actions are choices to be made at the time, they will never allow anyone to move in blockades. Why, if the blockade was successfully entered so that later will be more free, and Israel would lose control over the territory. Criticism and condemnation of Israeli attacks, they will not be ignored. ''Since 1948 until the year 2010 already more than 400 UN resolutions critical of Israel and that essentially no impact for the Jewish state.''
What has made the Government of Indonesia? Some residents became victims of Israeli attacks, the Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa in Jakarta said,''We condemn. Even menguntuk what the Israeli army, attacking humanitarian mission.''President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas a day earlier met at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, and Indonesian state has consistently supported the struggle of the Palestinian People, and President Yudhoyono on the occasion to mention giving Rp 20 billion in aid for construction of hospitals in the District Line Gazza.
Mavi Marmara together volunteers from Mer-C is intended to initiate development in the Gazza hospital. ''We will never become discouraged and stopped to help the struggle of the Palestinian people just because of the attack, in this country there are many more who are willing to help the struggle of the Palestinian people, either directly or not,''said Chief Journalist Joserizal Mer-C.
Between the People of Palestine and Indonesian People have strong emotional attachment not only because both are predominantly Islamic. But the People's struggle for independence and Indonesia have experienced colonial rule for 350 years. All provide ideas and spirit of the Palestinian people to achieve independence in a way Whatever, in 1948 confiscated Palestinian land and Israel's independence. Palestinians''We still need a long journey to achieve independence, and this spirit will never die,''said the Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia Fariz Mehdawi.
According to the Prime Minister of Israel who is also known as ultranationalists Benjamin Netanyahu, the attack had been carried out since the Israeli army attacked first, before the time of the inspection five ships there is no problem, at the sixth examination Mavi Marmara ship them to fight,''The crackdown was is unavoidable.''
The mission of humanitarian aid to Palestinians who are members of the Freedom Flortilla consists of 48 countries and their number as many as 480 people 12 of them from Indonesia, which joined in the Mer-C. Criticism and condemnation of the attack by Israel was also delivered by former President Megawati, former Vice President Yusuf Kalla, Indonesia's largest Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah.
However, Israel's most loyal ally, the United States (U.S.) remains to be cold, but if the citizens in trouble abroad, the country will react with a very loud, as well as West European countries, they practically do not react. Violations and violence by Israel if it went into the forum of the United Nations has confirmed the U.S. and Western European countries have been able to veto certain to defend Israel's actions. Actually, the countries of the world in general still do not perform an act of criticism of Israel.
Quite simply, they are not armed attack and brutally murder is an act of cowardice and barbaric at the same time, if Israel and Palestine to fight, then what happens is not just war, Palestinians have no weapons balance with Israel, they were massacred in attacks and countries that have been declared himself as the defender of human rights does not react at all.
''Do not expect to President Barrack Obama, he's completely helpless if we have to deal with Israel. Obama's desire to improve relations with the Islamic world is just lips service only, and with the incident in the still waters of the Gulf of international Gazza Obama opportunity to foster better relations with Islamic countries would be further away,''said Amien Rais.
Israel attitude, it certainly will survive with all these reasons, and it will not be possible to negotiate peace with the Palestinians, all the way to negotiations and peace is always undermined by the U.S. and even Israel itself as well as western countries are not able to force Israel. In the future Israel will continue with all the arrogance, barbarism and other harsh manner. It needs a very strong country outside the U.S. and western countries to pressure Israel, because the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) also will not be able to do much. If all countries in the world condemns Israel, the Israeli attitude will not change, as long as the U.S. and Western European countries still defend this cruel Zionist Jews. (
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