By: Yoedi Karyono
Visiting President of the United States (U.S.) Barrack Hussein Obama to Indonesia postponed again. Indeed there is a group of Indonesian people who feel very disappointed, they feel familiar or those that feel familiar and already preparing for tomorrow with a very special sanbutan to the president who never lived in his childhood in Indonesia, though not until five years. Reaction of the Indonesian Government over the delay, casual and very understand why the delay this time, the oil leak disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the reason for the postponement of March is the ratification of health legislation in his country.
Appointment be delayed until next November, there is also no guarantee, what is true in that Obama made a visit to Indonesia. Too many problems and issues faced by the U.S. until next November, and within Indonesia would be too much ammunition from a very anti U.S. groups to resist the coming of Obama.
''I prefer to believe that Obama's visit this time delay associated with special forces attacks against Israeli soldiers Mavi Marmara ships in international waters on May 31, 2009 and then, not because of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster,''said an international observer Hikmahanto Juwana.
According Juwana, a U.S. president can make a visit to one country or several countries heavily dependent than its predecessor in this team long before the U.S. had sent its intelligence agency the CIA and FBI, and they are safe to recommend whether or not Obama visit to one country. For a U.S. president on the security threats and even death threats can happen anywhere not just at home but abroad.
Especially with the situation heats up the case Mavi Marmara, and the U.S. which has always been supportive of each of discretion, and do whatever the Israeli Government, is considered inadequate U.S. attitude towards Israel inhumanity of the vessel was carrying a peace mission.
Although the Government of Indonesia has stated very ready to accept the arrival of Obama and his entourage, including security during their stay in Indonesia, but trust the U.S. government over their intelligence reports and analysis. ''It's not safe to do a visit to Indonesia today,''he said.
It delays the visit was not only to Indonesia but also in the territory of Guam and the last to the Continent of Australia, but Indonesia remains an important part, is not at the beginning of his administration would make Obama promised better relations with the Islamic world, countries with predominantly Islam. But with the most recent developments, it is very difficult to realize Obama's desire, the wish Obama was damaged by the Israeli government with a brutal near the Gulf of Gazza, who also led some Indonesian people involved in it.
Palestinian People's Struggle is already very synonymous with the struggle of Islam, although not all of the Palestinian population is Muslim, but Israel's oppression and savagery being committed against 1.5 million people residing in the territory of Gazza not only arouse the Islamic circles, but internationally involves sympathy of other groups . Is not there at the Mavi Marmara 34 nations and countries and from them there are from various religions, as well as in the Ship Rachel Corrie who intends to provide assistance to residents who ultimately foiled Gazza Israel.
The development will be increasingly difficult for Gazza about Obama's position in the eyes of Islam, during the U.S. can not be firm for the Government of Israel, and indeed the Jewish government of Israel intends to destroy Obama's relationship with the Islamic world, even the Israeli blockade against Gazza swears will never be revoked.
This means anything, Israel's mass murder deliberately slowly to 1.5 million Palestinians in Gazza. Food aid from international organizations do exist, and it greatly restricted by the Government of Israel, and it was deliberately done to make Pemerimtahan Palestinians against Hamas, but it's increasingly militant Palestinians against Israel.
In addition, international attitude after the incident Mavi Marmara increasingly supporting the Palestinians and those who provide assistance to the Palestinians increasingly militant. ''Today it is okay to help the ship failed and unable to penetrate the Israeli blockade, but in the end the conscience of humanity and common sense will overcome the savagery of Israel,''Bernard said Abdul Djabbar, observer of Palestine.
Those who intend to provide assistance to the Palestinians will never lost his spirit, and to deal with Israel was no other way other than fighting, whatever and whatever strengths. At the moment Russia is still bernetuk Soviet Union and it was a counterweight to U.S. power, Israel remained malakukan invasion and expansion of territory, especially now that strength is only one sole super power ie the U.S., and this country plus the Western European countries always support all the wisdom of Israel.
Israel's neighbors are considered a threat is Islamic Republic of Iran, why, the Israelis who have the power and nuclear weapons was horrified with the developments taking place in Iran, the country is also being developed nuclear weapons, and of course for peaceful purposes and energy, but not unlikely that nuclear power would be aimed at weapons and weapons defenses. Why, with the character of Israel Pemerimtahan an expansive and very dangerous country in the Middle East countries, especially neighbors. Hope''against Iran are capable of dealing with Israel, and the possibility of nuclear war. Why not, if this should be done and is the last option. Destroyed, destroyed it all.''
Negotiate with Israel, it is not possible, continued Bernard, for Israel, outside the Jewish race they are animals, they are very proud of myself and the race is held, the Jewish hatred towards Islam was also carried out massively. The most recent''performed by Jewish activists in New York, Pamela Geller finance an anti-Islam and spreading hatred against Islam, even those that hate advertising on hundreds of city buses running on routes in New York City.''
In addition, they also do a mosque in opposition to the construction of ground zero wallstreet New York, New York when the city council has approved construction, the reason they oppose is kebebesan expression, but so far the U.S. state known as a country that upholds human rights, and often teaches about democracy to other countries. ''Then why in a country that upholds democracy and human rights of people opposed to establishing a place of worship is very hard even with the threat of violence.''
In Indonesia, continued Bernard, there is a group of people who intend to establish places of worship and it was done in place of the religious majority, those without permission, and indeed the intention of looking for trouble. ''But for the case of mosques in New York, already have a pass already done the research and aims to bring peace. Then there are hundreds of people behind them are Jewish activists maneuver and provoked so it canceled the construction of mosques.''
All the problems faced domestically Obama, and also the development of the world by Israel would further complicate Obama's position in the Islamic world, and this situation was deliberately created by Jewish groups. ''Even if in November the President Barrack Hussein Obama's off again doing kunjugan to Indonesia please be advised, starting in June until November there are no guarantees, there are developments in the Gaza Gazza growing trend of Israel was not impossible to heat up and will commit violence again, and the U.S. that accept the consequences. Why, very mustahill U.S. will withdraw its support against Israel, and that was evident in the history and facts to the present.''(
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