By: Yoedi Karyono
For what the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was formed? One goal to make this country free from corruption, become more prosperous and dignified. Countries that have been independent for 65 years, with all its abundant natural wealth should have become a very prosperous country and a very dignified, but he was not. Much is wrong in this country care.
Said a former chairman of the central leadership of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Syafii Ma'arif, who is also a member of the KPK leadership selection. ''I'm pessimistic in the presence of Commission today and in future, but there was no other way, however the KPK must exist and be maintained, whatever happens,''he said.
KPK leadership selection is done, and it was only to replace the one currently KPK leaders already in jail on charges of murder, Antasari Ashar got a big enough response, 200 people are more applicants, and some of them are lawyers who have been known to be very familiar and become defenders of the corrupt person in court.
''This will be a major problem for the Commission, which required only one. Even if five people at once replaced KPK leaders will still be a long and troublesome problem of the KPK. Why, those who otherwise do not qualify will continue to conduct disorder to the Commission, they will make the lawsuit go to court to sue the Commission maneuver, and this will be a huge waste of energy waste,''said Febridiansyah, one head of Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW).
Now this alone, continued Febri two KPK leaders are in trouble with the law, Bibit Samad Rianto and Chandra M Hamzah accused of accepting bribes by Anggodo Widjojo, whereas Anggodo is currently imprisoned for the same case. Pangadilan with fictitious accusations''that continues to win Anggodo by the court, and it's disgusting.''
According to Bibit, the legal system in this country is so corrupt, court police and other law enforcement conspiracy to entrap and accuse KPK leaders so that they could be imprisoned. Why, for this they have sting walfare enjoy life outside of their salary and that they get from the result of corruption. ''If the criminals were able to be eradicated KPK everything, then they will not be able to live with this for a pattern that they are feeling, because that is in many ways and authorities, they tried to maintain a luxury lifestyle with the result that corruption.''
Actually, to replace the KPK leaders, one of two people or five people at once can be directly addressed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) itself. Why, when the campaign for president for the first period SBY has a political promise that fighting corruption will be directly under his leadership.
It turns out that in the first period, his son-in-law who is also one of his officials at Bank Indonesia, Aulia Pohan tangled case, and until now still in jail, and on other occasions Yudhoyono said that the Commission has become a super-agency body that is too strong, it responded by SBY subordinates and start looking for fault KPK leaders. The result, Antasari tunduhan go to jail with a murder, and until it was too much mystery over the case Antasari.
Bibit and continued with the case of Chandra, and this makes the KPK to be practically not functioning optimally, when the case began to question Bibit and Chandra, the support from the community with a demo and also through face book is very strong, they are very confident that Bibit, and Chandra was not guilty. But now that the Commission was not good enough to respond to the issue of Century Bank case, the support became almost non-existent. They now walk by himself in court without the support as ever.
Indeed SBY has established anti-mafia law task force, but this new body is only the entertainment community has responded only to overcome the problem of corruption, even now appears many lawsuits that a task force was disbanded, because all are considered not useful.
KPK is already so weak, and in time will be decided by the Council of Representatives (DPR) who will be elected as a chairman of KPK, but very strong at the KPK arrested many members of the House of Representatives Commission on cases of corruption, many local chief who was also a target and KPK arrested, as well as judges, prosecutors and police.
The current''corrupt conduct counter-attack by a coalition with the corrupt law enforcers, and they are also highly benefited from the corrupt atmosphere of systematically destroying the KPK, said Febri.
Of course, further Febri, this situation is not beneficial to the KPK, the power who do not want to live KPK much larger and stronger than the Commission, and this is very dangerous that eventually became the KPK only nameplate just for show as if this country will be concerned with the eradication of corrupti (
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